
Deficit never a major problem for USA

(2020-06-05 04:21:30) 下一个

US has 3 bases supporting it being the world's superpower: US Dollar, Military, Culture (democracy, and its derivatives: market system, technology).

US Dollar being a worldwide reserve currency, US theoretically has the ability to print money whenever needed and for whatever purpose; further more such printing has no direct and apparent damage to its people or the world. Printing more money may show certain inequality at the time of distributing the newly produced money, yet these money will flow to the world in the end and make money available to more people in the end, specially the needed people.

US will have an ever increasing deficit, but it will cause no pain to it and the world, as long as such increase be under proper management. It actually help the world prosper to a great extend.

US's problem, either 'Black Life Matters' or middle-class shrinkage, is not due to deficit; their solution will not be found by fighting trade wars, or stopping / reducing such deficits.  The solution is to build a stronger economy for all races and all US citizen. 

A stronger economy is the core, root, ot engine of US superpower. Its 3 support bases are simply its limbs, trunks, or wheels.

Reviewing history, we will notice that any presidents doing a good job at building US economy contribute significantly to US power at their times! While all presidents making extended wars, no matter military wars or trade wars, will damage or bring down US power in the end.


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