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在查康妮的症状时,看到了德牧常见疾病,用Google 翻译过来,放在这里,万一有人需要时可以看看。


Gastric torsion, also known as bloat, is a life-threatening sudden illness associated with the stomach filling with air and twisting. 胃扭转,也被称为膨胀,是与胃填充空气和扭转有关的威胁生命的急病.
Hip dysplasia is a malformation of the hip joint that results in pain, lameness and arthritis 髋关节发育不良的髋关节而导致的疼痛,跛行和关节炎的畸形
Elbow dysplasia is the abnormal development of certain parts of the elbow joint during the growing phase. 肘部发育不良是肘关节的某些部分在生长阶段的发育异常。
Epilepsy is a seizure disorder, which develops between the ages of 2 to 5 years. 癫痫是一种发作性疾病,其中2到5岁之间的发展
Panosteitis is an inflammation of the long bones during growth. It results in pain and lameness until the dog matures。 Panosteitis是长骨的生长过程中的炎症。它会导致疼痛和跛行,直到狗的成熟。
Pyoderma refers to deep skin infections 脓皮病是指深部皮肤感染。
Hot spots are areas of itchy moist skin irritation  热点是潮湿瘙痒皮肤过敏
Pannus is a disease of the eye resulting in inflammation 血管翳是造成炎症的眼睛的疾病
Corneal dystrophy is a primary, inherited, bilateral (both sides), symmetrical condition of the cornea that is not accompanied by corneal inflammation or systemic disease. 角膜营养不良是主要的,遗传,双边(两侧),即不伴有角膜炎症或全身性疾病角膜的对称状态
Degenerative myelopathy is a progressive degenerative disease of the spinal cord that slowly results in weakness and eventually inability to use the rear legs 退化性脊髓病是脊髓,慢慢地导致虚弱,最终无法使用后腿的进行性变性疾病
Intervertebral disk disease is a disorder that affects the spinal disks resulting in pain, difficulty walking and possibly paralysis 椎间盘病是一种疾病,影响产生疼痛,行走困难,并可能瘫痪的椎间盘
Diabetes is a disease of the pancreas related to insufficient amounts of insulin production Diabetes is a disease of the
pancreas related to insufficient amounts of insulin production 糖尿病是胰腺的一种疾病相关的量的胰岛素产生不足
Pancreatic insufficiency is another pancreatic disease that results in inability to digest food properly 胰腺功能不全是另一种胰腺疾病而导致无法正常消化食物
Malassezia Dermatitis - is a yeast infection of the skin caused by Malassezia pachydermatitis 马拉色菌皮炎 -
Perianal Fistula - is an infection and development of fistulas of the anal glands and tissues around the anal area. 肛瘘 - 是肛门周围地区的肛门腺和组织瘘的感染和发展.
Aortic Stenosis - this disease is caused by stenosis of the aorta and causing symptoms such as weakness, collapse and sudden death 主动脉瓣狭窄 - 这病是由主动脉狭窄,引起的症状,如乏力,虚脱和猝死
Pericardial Effusion – is an accumulation of fluid within the pericardial space. It can be caused by tumors of the heart or idiopathic (no known cause). 心包积液 - 是流动的心包空间内积聚。它可以由心脏或特发性(没有已知的原因)的肿瘤引起的
Congenital Idiopathic Megaesophagus - is a dilatation of the esophagus caused by decreased contraction of the muscles, causing food regurgitation. 先天性原发性Megaesophagus - 是由肌肉的收缩减少食道的扩张,从而导致食物返流

Lymphocytic plasmacytic enteritis (LPE) is a form of inflammatory bowel disease淋巴浆细胞性肠炎(LPE)是炎症性肠疾病的一种形式
Lick granuloma is a condition in which the dog licks an area excessively, usually on the front leg, until a raised, firm ulcerated lesion is formed. 舔肉芽肿是其中狗舔的区域过度,通常在前腿,直到凸起的,牢固的溃疡性病变形成的条件。

Anal Sac Adenocarcinoma is an adenocarcinoma of the anal glands. 肛门囊腺癌是肛门腺腺癌
Testicular tumors are tumors that involve the testicles in intact male dogs. 睾丸肿瘤是涉及完整的公狗的睾丸肿瘤
Dwarfism is a deficiency of growth hormone (GH), which is normally secreted by the pituitary gland. 侏儒症是生长激素缺乏(GH),这通常是由脑垂体分泌的。
Cataracts cause the lens of the eye to loose transparency and can result in blindness. 白内障引起眼球松动透明的透镜,并且可以导致失明
Lens luxation is a dislocation or displacement of the lens within the eye. 晶状体脱位是眼内脱位晶状体或位移。
In addition, German shepherds have a higher incidence of allergies, ear infections and malignant cancer such as hemangiosarcoma and Lymphoma. 此外,德国牧羊犬有过敏,耳部感染和恶性肿瘤如血管肉瘤和淋巴瘤的发生率较高
Life Span - The average life span for a German shepherd dog is 10 to 13 years. 寿命 - 平均寿命为德国牧羊犬是10至13年

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