上周在DELIVERY ALPHA的会议上,首次亲眼看到 ICHAN 和 ACKMAN 坐在一起,他们不仅眼光有交流,而且在言语上还互相表扬对方。这和以前是完完全全不一样的。举个栗子吧, "I do respect Bill," Icahn added. "What the hell am I fighting so much for? 最后两人居然还当众拥抱。这叫一抱泯恩仇吧\(^o^)/~。如果没有记错的话,当时Achman 好像说了这样一句话,就是他会让 Ichman 体面地从 HLF 的投资中走出来。(笔者瞎猜哈:在某个适当的时候,Achman 在 朋友的引荐下给 Ichan 抛了绣球,说明了HLF事态的严重性,这一举动感动了 ICHAN 。)
因此,在这个时候Achman重新发起对HLF的攻击,让人不得不联想他是不是和 Ichan 已经通气了(⊙o⊙)。俺刚刚查了一下public record, ICHAN 的公司还是 HLF 的最大股东。不知道这个记录是不是如实反映了目前的情况。不过ICHAN 介入 HLF 的价格应该在$40美金以下, 所以怎么都有机会逃出来的 (suppose what Achman claimed is true).
附:Ackman said that presentation of a Herbalife investigation will “expose incredible fraud.”
“We have hundreds of hours of internal video, Ackman told CNBC’s Halftime Report. “We have some internal documents that were given to us by some employees.”
“This will be the most important presentation that I have made in my career,” he said. “We won’t disappoint.”
Shares of Herbalife have dropped 11% to $54.08 at 3:30 p.m. while Nu Skin (NUS) has fallen 2.4% to $60.91 and Usana Health Services (USNA) has declined 7% to $67.75. 送歌:Falling Into You