每个族裔都有站在顶层的精英, 也有大批挣扎在底层的人。 J. D Vance 在他的 Hillbilly Elegy 一书中就讲述了生活在Appalachians 偏远山区底层白人的挣扎:贫穷,吃福利,酗酒,吸毒,早孕,结婚离婚,离婚结婚。。。。
不想再大幅讨论黑人的歧视问题,把电影《Godfather》中五大家族会议的一段摘录出来, 供参考
"I also don't believe in drugs. For years I paid my people extra so they wouldn't do that kind of business. Somebody comes to them and says, “I have powders; if you put up three, four thousand dollar investment - we can make fifty thousand distributing." So they can't resist. I want to control it as a business, to keep it respectable. I don't want it near schools - I don't want it sold to children! That's an infamia. In my city, we would keep the traffic in the dark people - the colored. They're animals anyway, so let them lose their souls."
这几天由于黑人George Floyd 的死, 美国全国又发生了抗议示威, 同时也爆发了looting, car vandalizing, setting buildings on fire. 而这似乎成了pattern,先和平示威然后就出现了打砸抢, 从2014 Ferguson 到 2015 Baltimore到这次Minneapolis, 无一例外。在2014年的Ferguson 事件中,对暴乱困惑的CNN 黑人主持Don Lemon 参访了民权领袖 Jesse Jackson.
Don Lemmon: It went in front of our legal and judicial process and the outcome was the outcome and we must abide by it. The lawlessness and the violence is really — it should not have happened and there should be no excuses made for it
Jesse Jackson: “There is a body of people who after a long train of abuses, Don, people simply explode,”
Don Lemmon: I don’t want to speak for you, that you’re making excuses for the bad doers,” “So what do you want to leave with people? What is your message going forward?”
Jesse Jackson: “I am not making excuses going forward. I’m giving an analysis that compounded injustice leads to anarchy and justice leads to peace,” “I am fundamentally an advocate of non-violence but I understand how pain plays out when it’s compounded, and it is a long train of abuses.”
Don Lemmon: “Reverend, part of your legacy is that you marched with Dr. King peacefully, non-violent protests,” “What has changed in our culture and our society that people result — resort to things that played out here last night in Ferguson?”
Jesse Jackson: “You do know that when Dr. King was alive we had the Watts riots and the Newark riots and the Detroit riots and Chicago,” “police action triggered those riots.”
“Blacks are ten times more likely to be arrested. That matters. And for juries to look in the face of killed young blacks and say that jury was justified in letting them go through, that’s a bitter pill to swallow,” Jackson added.
我和Don Lemon 一样的困惑: 示威游行给受到不公待遇的黑人一个合理的发声机会, 但马丁路德金的以非暴力的抗争方法去争取基本权利怎么就不能实现呢?
昨天看了黑人Candace Owens 的视频。 喜欢她对黑人问题的反省。 Floyd 不是英雄。 但他确实是被暴力执法致死的, 就像Candace Owens所说:But hope his family get justice.
最后再提一下取材于真实人物的电影《 The blind side》. 喜欢这部电影, 因为它并未遮掩黑人孩子存在的问题: No Daddy, in and out of foster care, drop out school, gang fight. 同时也用Leigh Ann Tuohy 一家的善行告诉大家:不鄙视,不偏见,不歧视而是伸手去帮助会改变一个黑人孩子的命运。 多一个被帮助的黑人孩子,街上就少一个 George Floyd 。
“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself"
--Leo Tolstoy
—if everyone is willing to change himself, the the world will be changed.
问fengxiang 好, 叫风风可以吗 :) 周末愉快!
我2014年看到don lemon提出这个问题,觉得问得特好,但觉得Jesse 没给出个好的回答。