

10 things that drive men crazy about being married

(2014-03-06 18:32:58) 下一个

“I feel like before we got married, weekends were for lounging around, meeting up
with friends, or having sex. We still do those things, but more and more, weekends
are times to do errands. It just doesn’t feel as romantic as it did back when we were

“There are so many family obligations! I don’t know if it’s my imagination, but I feel
like they’ve tripled since we actually got hitched. And if I don’t go, not only does my
wife get upset, but I feel like it makes us look like we don’t have a good bond.”

“Why does my wife feel the need to tell me every single detail about her friends’ lives?
I love my wife, and I’m interested in what she says—unless it’s about her coworker Jill’s
decision to get Botox. I haven’t met Jill, and have no opinion on the matter.
And I’m sure Jill doesn’t care what I think, either.”

“People seem so impressed that I’m usually the one who cooks. I’ll take the compliment,
but what irks me is the implication that my wife isn’t pulling her weight.”

“I hate when my wife puts photos of me on Facebook without asking. They’re never
bad and she always writes something nice, but it’s sort of embarrassing for the guys
to know I sometimes play princesses with my daughters.”

“Date nights. Don’t get me wrong—I love them—but the phrase sounds so forced.

“As soon as we got married, my mother-in-law started giving me unsolicited advice.
I know she’s coming from a good place, but I already have a mother!”

“People always ask when we’re planning to have kids. My wife gets this question
far more than I do, but even when people ask me, it sounds so invasive.
Why is it their business?”

“There’s this sense of, well, now what? The wedding was such a big project, and
we know we won’t have kids for at least a few years, so it sort of feels like we’re in
this anti-climactic slump.”

“We’re not always a package. Sometimes, I don’t know where my wife is for the
afternoon. That’s not weird—we’re individuals! But whenever I tell my buddies that,
they look at me like I’m nuts.”

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