

(2012-06-15 20:43:43) 下一个
记得当初等待宝宝出生时猜测宝宝的性别是一件非常开心的事。 一晃这许多年过去,周围已开始有朋友的孩子也步入婚姻了,也许过几年这些朋友就会升级做祖父母。


The Shettles Method is based on the fact that the Y chromosome bearing sperm ( boy sperm ) are smaller and less robust but move faster than the larger X chromosome bearing sperm ( girl sperm ).

Step 1
Determine the time of Ovulation

You can get Ovulation Predictor Kit from any pharmacy store like CVS. This kit detects LH (Luteinizing Hormone) released by body as a precursor to ovulation. Dr. Shettles suggests testing twice a day to make sure you catch the surge as early as possible. He recommends testing once between 11am and 3 pm and then again between 5pm and 10pm. When all factors are considered, ovulation will most likely occur about 24 hours after the time when you get a positive result for the LH surge on your ovulation predictor kit.

Step 2

for baby boy
Try conceive baby between 24hr before ovulation to 12 hr after ovulation. The closer timing to ovulation, the easier for the faster but less robust Y sperm to get to the egg.

for baby girl
Try conceive baby around ovulation but outside the optimal window for baby boy. The further time away to ovulation (albeit still close enough to conceive), the easier for the larger slower but more robust X sperm to get to the egg.


Good Luck!
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