
ZT 给不想被人肉的人一个有用的link

(2013-03-29 20:55:34) 下一个
给不想被人肉的人一个有用的link  发贴心情 Post By:3/28/2013 3:04:00 PM 

 有时候google的search page中,已经被remove的网页还会出现,因为google的爬虫还没爬到那儿。
实际上你可以要求google把outdated content从google search result中尽快去除

Remove content from someone else's site

Content can be removed from Google’s search results either by the webmaster of the site or by Google.

Remove content for legal reasons

If you want to report content that you believe warrants removal from Google's services based on applicable laws, use this tool to send a legal removal request.

Remove personal information

If you have other concerns about your sensitive personal information appearing in Google’s search results, use this tool to find out how to remove personal information from the web.

Remove content that’s not live

If the page, site or image has already been removed from the site in question, it may still show up in Google’s search results if we have not crawled the page recently. While you wait for our search results to get updated, use this tool to request Google not to show the outdated content from the page.

[此贴子已经被作者于2013/3/28 15:04:23编辑过]
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