

The guy named bob marley

(2012-11-16 03:17:44) 下一个
Yeah, the guy's name is bob marley, you have to have listened to one of his songs,  one love: one love, one heart, let's get togetther 'n be alright. Before I watched the documentary that, I just watched, I couldn't connect this famous piece of music with that damn also famous name, marley. But now, he is my new found idol. He says, what is to be must be, he also says, whoever got elected, it's the same damn problem! See, he foreseed the damn elelection and the damn fiscal cliff that we all are matching to and will fall off of, bang! That's the sound of the buck, that little round shaped metal or the green colored paper with that funny face on it. Yeah, in god we trust, but which must be a different god than bob's. Hear what he says: I don't live by the western laws, I must live by the laws set by my god but no one else. So who his god is? He says, I don't make much fortune, you know, my richness is in my life, bang!! That's the voice of the eternal truth! Bob marley was the son of a white father and black mother, he was also the son of Jamaica, yeah, that Jamaica where bolt Bolton is from. But he is even more of a bolt in the heart of the Jamaicans, and actually, of people all over the world. He is a musician, an anthrophist, a prophet, and a fatalist. He lived a full fruitful life before he died at the age of 36, in 1981. Heap, god is fair, he allowed his favorite son only a short life, and left us the unenlighthened to endure the long and dreadful life. Just so that you know, bob marley ain't no saint. He smokes pop,had was a soccer fanatics, and he loved women! Or should I say, women loved him. He fathered 11 children in 7 relationships, one with the miss world from jamaica. And he died from cancer caused by an injury in a soccer game! Now y'all get me? he lived a damn full fruity life! What more can I say about this damn lucky, blessed gal? Let me seal with a saying of his that y'all might wanna hear: quote unquote, I ain't have no ambitions, all I want to see is people live together, black, white, and CHINESE! Wait, one last thing, when was the documentary made? Jamaican's doping weeds all over the place on the streets. I know where my next vacation destination's goona to be, I have to smoke what he smoked and play soccer where he used to play! Sorry for iPad not allowing me to make paragraphs.

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