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试镜--test photos for Nikon AF 50 mm f/1.8 D lens

(2007-07-20 00:26:33) 下一个
自从买了D80, 一直用kit lens, 对效果很不满意。一番研究后, 看上了几个镜头。先买个价廉物美的50mm, 用了再说,其他的慢慢添置。看看效果, 还比较满意。


2. 西红柿

3. 无花果

4. 辣椒 

5. orange 

6. day lily

7. 喇叭花 

8. 寄人篱下---大门口的屋檐下, 野鸽搭了个窝

9. car--- not mine 

10. trailer car--- not mine either

11. morning run 

12. morning run, run 

13. morning run run run 

15. hot air balloon

16. on the way back to home-----same picture as 15, just adjusted brightness~

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木兰木兰 回复 悄悄话 哈哈, 赶紧开始set up a seperate account for your future lenses 吧, 嘿嘿
看不见图, 55555:(
大师, 赶紧把你的flickr帐户给俺, 想看你其他的图.
灵犀 回复 悄悄话 好你个红卡,看你往哪里run? 就是run到天上, 也要把你扯下来。

那鸽子整天守在那里不吃不喝,眼睛瞪得亮亮地,警惕得很。 估计要做妈妈了,可怜天下父母心。
JustaVisitor 回复 悄悄话 回复redtruck的评论:

redtruck: why do you run away? do you feel guilty about sth. you did?
redtruck 回复 悄悄话 寄人篱下---大门口的屋檐下, 灵犀搭了个窝

wo run run run


灵犀 回复 悄悄话 Quote "Beauty is in the eyes of beholders"
JustaVisitor 回复 悄悄话 Beauty is sometimes just those little things around you.

Learning enjoying and appreciating the beauty in daily life is not the ability that everyone obtains.