Adela's Secret Garden

岁月无痕, 悄无声息,从身边流过,亲爱的你,是否记得,我曾经来过。

Professor Sir Ernst Gombrich OM

(2012-03-02 06:52:05) 下一个
奥地利的维也纳, 在我的记忆中, 是一个很美好的地方, 甚至是充满诗意的,因为小时候看过的电影《茜茜公主》的故事就发生在那里。 美丽的风光, 浪漫的爱情, 电影的一切美好使得人对这个城市也充满了幻想。而这个美丽的城市同时也产生了大艺术家,比如:Gombrich 和 Klimt.

贡布里希,英国美学家和艺术史家。1909年3月30日生于奥地利的维也纳;后移居于英国并加入英国国籍。他的父亲Dr.Karl B.combrich为一著名的律师,同时具有深厚地人文素养。他的母亲Lenonie combrich Hock为钢琴老师,并且于当时重要的音乐家及作曲家们来往密切,如Gustav Mahler(1860-1911)Amold Schoenberg(1874-1951)等人。
Professor Sir Ernst Gombrich OM was born in Vienna in 1909 and died in London on November 3, 2001, aged 92. He studied at the Theresianum and then at the Second Institute of Art History at the University of Vienna under Julius von Schlosser (1928-33). He then worked as a Research Assistant and collaborator with the museum curator and Freudian analyst Ernst Kris. He joined the Warburg Institute in London as a Research Assistant in 1936. During World War 2 he was employed by the BBC as a Radio Monitor. After the war he rejoined the Warburg Institute eventually becoming its Director in 1959.

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