// like ai weiwei, if he is the right guy(s) for our home country or chongqi to say the least (30 million people. people in chongqi like him. like when wheather is heating, he organized all the possible resources to release the burden for all city people, not to mention all facets of work and life concerns or perplexions in his leadership or management domain or territary), we can donate to cover this. 30 million people x YMB3-4 less than $0.5.
// if you study more, you will find he is the right guy(s) for our home country at this time and moment, though there is still much room for him to improve in order to do a better job.
However, I do know a lot way above average people as the top place i came from.
China is still not a land people can work and live freedom.
That is why, we are willing to spend our free time to trumpet the bright future for our home country, though we no longer need to worry for ourselves if china is poor, hunger, or tyrany, or if it is issuing food/meat/clothe/etc stamp again.
Thanks for your kind and generous sharing. Take care.