(2006-06-13 19:04:28)
女儿四年级,班上有个特别调皮捣蛋的男孩, 不幸的是,咱那优秀的女儿安排着跟他坐, 老师说了:她是一个很好的榜样;更不幸的是,女儿就认真了,全心全意地帮他改正缺点。 他当然很烦,最近老是拿女儿是中国人说事, 偏偏又遇上女儿从来为自己是中国人骄傲。 昨天,当那孩子手舞足蹈地说:Chinese eyes up, Japanese eyes done。
女儿站起来对全班说:”Be quilt please. I have something like to say to the class. “
Stupid people are falling from the sky
Into the classroom especially this guy
He makes mean jokes about Chinese
All he does is taunt and tease
Too bad I have to sit next to him!
Can somebody tell who is he?
“James?” 班上另一个中国女孩子说
“James. “ Rebecca 女儿的好朋友,一个美国孩子,站起来。
“James . James.... “
“What did he say?”
“Say curse words to him!”
“I don’t want say curse words to you
I just like to tell you how we feel!”
Rebecca 告诉老师 James 说的话。 一直到放学,班上的孩子见到James都拉着眼皮嘲笑他:“American eyes in the middle.”
他们班上一共就两个非白人, 非常优秀。
(晚上,班主任老师打电话告诉我们, 她说:She is amazing! )