其它的证据都不如这一条致命。其它的都是旁证,俩人关起门来以后发生的才是关键。可女方很主动(acitve and willing to participant)这一条就说明了女方是自愿的。但后来后悔了想要钱。
我想刘强东鹅别的名人一样,对这种事情也是三不,不拒绝,不承诺,不负责。 而且以他的身份一定有暗中的防范措施。没准进屋以后就用手机录音/录像,以备后用。女的如果下套,估计也会暗中录音录像,但录下来的证据并不支持她起诉刘强东强奸她。反而给警方和检方认为她是自愿的。
Ms. Brisbois said that the woman invited Mr. Liu into her apartment building and that “what happened in the room was entirely consensual.”
“The woman was an active and willing participant and at no time did she indicate in any way that she did not consent,” Ms. Brisbois said.
明尼苏达检方也说没有找到刘犯罪的证据,“it did not find enough evidence to pursue a case against Mr. Liu”。
“As is the case in too many sexual assault incidents, it was a complicated situation,” Mike Freeman, the Hennepin County attorney, said in a statement. “It is also similar to other sexual assault cases with the suspect maintaining the sex was consensual.”