

(2013-10-31 19:39:29) 下一个
看看facebook关于Jimmy Kimmel的评论,从华夏文摘转来。很有意思,清一色的洋人跟清一色的中国吵起来:


关于Jimmy Kimmel的show,facebook上几百个评论,都是真实姓名。大部分非中国姓名的都支持Kimmel。几乎所有中国姓名的都反对Kimmel。




Laurielee Leonard: Come on people, this is a smile show. Get a life!

Catherine Cuanoud Naderzad Haha: Really ???? Chinese people need to relax or not watch comedy shows !!!!!

Eddie Newell: These are the same people killing the comics... Hitler stashes on each 1 of their faces!!!!!

Lawrence Fierro Castro: No sense of humor

Diana Netland: People need to lighten up. pun not intended, they need to stop being so soft about things and take it as a joke. we cannot joke anymore we cannot do anything anymore without it getting blown out of proportion this is crazy. leave him alone it was all in fun. stop the silly oh he hurt my feelings type of thing. No one is going to kill the Chinese, put your big girl and big boy panties on and grow up!!

Stacy Stilwell It was cute....who gives a crap,go back home if you dont like it!!!!!.....love you JK!!!!!

Shannon Joelle: Oh gawd! Get over it people. Stop being so sensitive!! Big babies!

Anna Marie Sutton: Everyone is "offended" by everything these days!!!!!

Gus Becerra: Why are they not protesting at the China's embassy over the way they treat their own people! It was a stupid skit that didn't physically harm anyone versus the reality of the what has been going on.

Pamela Nava Dutch: He's a comic! He jokes on all races n ethnicities ! Been this way for years!! Geez

Xavier Zack Montes Jr.: Its truly SAD.. We are turning into a country of cry babies...I wonder why aren't any of these people working???

Michele Durrani: He shouldn't have to apologize. People don't understand these shows anymore. The sarcasm In shows like jimmy kimmel's poke fun at society, news, what is actually happening, etc. It is not meant to be taken Literally! If you don't understand that much you don't deserve a response

Debi Jones: What the H_ ll is everyone's problem lately. Back off! There is a thing called freedom of speech. Don't like, don't watch or go back where you either you came from or your ancestors came from...Go make your home country better and live there. You don't see White people screaming and hollering every time someone from a different ethic background says something about us.

Karla Sandigo: It's sad that no one can make jokes now.

Tabitha Ann Willbanks Good Grief Charlie Brown. .. This is ridiculous. .. it was a joke... I'm offended that people are offended by it!

Elaine Marshall Sherman: Their are no limits to COMEDY. Everything goes. IT A JOKE. Don't watch a late night show EVER if your easily offended

Janel Thurber: Lighten up, angry Chinese people!! Maybe be a little more concerned about how your mother country has such low manufacturing standards that they have killed a hell of a lot of American babies and pets....THAT is something to protest!!

Matthew Manobanda: It's was just a joke!! OMG

Alexander J. Malkiewicz: Not being racist, but it looks like only Chinese people are protesting. lol

Ronald Scott: I miss the days of comedians being allowed to be comedians. Eddie Murphy, George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Red Foxx would no doubt have whiny protestors these days

Susan Aprieto Velves: KIMMEL is a moron..... so we forgive him.

Peter Bueras: This is Jimmy, he is a nice guy and helps a lot of people of all races! He even apologized and owned his mistake! There was no hatred in his joke! And if this did offend there are worse people to go after !!!!

Marge Peters Gianni: What the hell ? Cant people take jokes anymore ? Its the people that just want to start something doesn't matter how trivial , you protestors need to go back under your rock

Michael 'Mick' Simmons: Jimmy Kimmel for President!!

Ian Covert: Welcome to America losers.....yea I agree with y'all this is a joke jimmy kimmel you should never had of apologize for this you're a comedian, its true life is a joke..

Vargas Gina: People are stupid, he is a comedian, that's why he gets the big bucks.
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阅读 ()评论 (11)
洪常紫 回复 悄悄话 回复 'XCUPCAKE' 的评论 : 总算有个头脑清醒的。
XCUPCAKE 回复 悄悄话 作为一个伟大的民族,我们点到为止就够了,不用上纲上线显得那么小家子气。人家确实说得在理,你们政府如此对待自己的人民,怎么不见你们上街?我们先自省在批评别人吧。
greencardwaiting 回复 悄悄话 回复 'XYZ3' 的评论 :

Come on! If you know anything about hate crime, you would know how ridiculous you sound! The filing of such a case would be thrown out of the court and be a joke on yourself. You might even have to pay legal fee for ABC or JK for filing a frivolous lawsuit.

By focusing on the phrase "kill everyone in China", a lot of people simply ignore the whole context -- a kid's stupid solution to a debt problem. If Japan was still the biggest debt holder, JK would use Japan in his question and the answer would be "kill everyone in Japan."

I am not saying ABC should not have edited out the comment because they should have known certain people, namely, those that are too self-conscious and take themselves too seriously, would be offended. But, hey, it is a kid! For God's sake! And kids could be stupid! When I was in high school, a lot of boys in my class talked about killing Japanese and having a Tokyo massacre.
789654 回复 悄悄话 楼主,要是有人跟你开玩笑说把你妈杀掉,你会怎么反应。开这种玩笑背后的心理是什么?
xf20080310 回复 悄悄话 回复 'XYZ3' 的评论 : 同意,同意。”可以试着告。我的看法,这是Hate Crime了。可以试着告。不赢也没关系,就当学习美国法律呗“ 整个节目组都该Fire掉”.

游行写信给议员,写信给节目的赞助商,大家一起抵制 disney land, disney cruise, anything related with disney...
唵啊吽 回复 悄悄话 美国人中也有正义的。如这篇评论:
by moonflower7 (teddybearmom)
As parents and teachers, we do our best to nurture our children. We teach them good values, guide them in the right directions when they make mistakes; we protect them from all harms before they are mature enough to protect themselves. To shield young children from inappropriate contents on TV, many parents have used the parental control features on their remote control. Initially, I thought ABC is a family friendly TV channel whose contents do not need to be monitored, but the Jimmy Kimmel's "Kid's round table" show on Oct 16 proved me wrong.

In response to the question on how to pay back our debts to other nations, a 6 year old boy proposed the idea of "Killing everyone in China". Mr. Kimmel chuckled at the answer and made the comment that this was an "interesting idea". After leading the young guests to a debate on the feasibility of using mass murder as a problem solving strategy, Mr. Kimmel further asked the kids in the show "Should we allow the Chinese to live?”, to which he got mixed answers.

I had briefly wondered how this little boy came up with the idea of “killing everyone” in a nation. Then I realized that the “Jimmy Kimmel Live” is not even a live show. Like all talk shows, there are hundreds of people working behind-the-scenes. Each writer is responsible for writing monologue jokes and each usually has an assignment for a specific guest. The shows are recorded earlier in the day to allow enough time for necessary editing.

Now I know that the 6 year old may not understand what he was saying, but the adults behind the show must know what they were doing. Instead of asking “Should we allow someone to live?”, which should not even be a question to begin with, maybe we can ask the following questions instead: Should we allow adults to channel messages of mass murder and genocide through a 6 year old? Should we allow our children to consider, even for a second, killing people as a way to solve or escape from their problems? Should we allow a TV host to expose thousands of innocent young viewers to messages of violence and hatred? Should we allow a TV program to use race baiting to boost a show’s popularity? Should we allow our children to suffer from all the negative publicity, to be laughed at, to be emotionally traumatized, so that some adults can enjoy cheap and distasteful jokes?

Enough is enough! It is time to protect our children from malicious programs on TV. It is time to say no to the adults who attempted to mislead and use innocent kids for their own agenda. Every day we shower our children with love. How can we tolerate the people who purposefully delivered hate speech that have potentially counteracted all our efforts? Until ABC issues a formal protocol to make sure something in that vein never gets aired again, until the company lets go of all the people who lacks basic judgment and human decency, we are not viewing your program again. We are not creating revenues for Disney and ABC, until you prove with your actions, that you really endorse the values your adorable cartoon characters represent.
MMMMM06 回复 悄悄话 拿别人调侃容易,调侃自己才是本事。如果说的是别的种族,我也可以一笑了之。
selang 回复 悄悄话 Kimmel you meat what you said. Jokes are a way of expressing the inner truth.... How do I know.. I am a comedian!
XYZ3 回复 悄悄话 你看得不够多,许多非中国名字的也在指责他。

我的看法,这是Hate Crime了。可以试着告。不赢也没关系,就当学习美国法律呗。


洪常紫 回复 悄悄话 应该说 肤色决定脑袋
flyingdust11 回复 悄悄话 这有啥奇怪的,屁股决定脑袋,白人就是白人,中国人就是中国人,立场不同。