一些尼康镜头 on D3X 和佳能镜头 on 5DMarkII 的 Resolution 调研 |
尼康出了 D4 和 D800/D800E, 佳能出了 1Dx, 很快就要出 5D Mark III (or 5D X). 所以我想调研一下尼康和佳能镜头 Resolution。 这些调研图的所有数据都来 自: http://www.photozone.de/reviews。这些数据几乎全是在全幅上测的数据(尼 康镜头 on D3X 和佳能镜头 on 5DMarkII)。 D3X has 24.5-megapixel FX-format (35.9 x 24.0mm) CMOS sensor. 5DMarkII has 21.1-megapixel full-frame CMOS sensor. 这里 resolution 的单位是用 (LW/PH). LW/PH means "Line widths per picture height" - it's basically a unit for resolution (not sharpness which is a combination of contrast and resolution) limited by the max. resolution of the camera's image sensor. 详细请看 (http://www.photozone.de/lens-test-faq) 。 注意: 这些调研图的数据是"仅"来自一家 (photozone) 的数据. Resolution "仅"是 镜头的一个指标。大家做决定时要多看几家评估和研究一下镜头的其它指标 (Distortions, Vignetting,Chromatic Aberrations, Bokeh, Flare 等)。 注解: 图中 X 轴的单位是 F Stop, Y 轴的单位是 resolution (LW/PH). |
1. Nikon 24 mm F1.4 (Amazon $2400) and Canon 24 mm F1.4 L II ( $1614)
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2。 Canon 24 mm TSE (BH $2089) and Canon 17 mm TSE. 转轴镜头被下毒老手给抄热。Canon 的这两镜头都很好,配 5D Mark III (OR II) 应是绝配。我没有找到 Nikon PCE (24mm, 85mm) 的数据。 郁闷的是 (C80也提到 过): The only Nikon camera with which the Nikon 24mm PC-E works properly is the D3 (Also D4). Even though the Nikon D300 is completely compatible electronically, the D300's flash gets in the way of some movements. The D700's flash overhangs even a little bit further than the D300's flash tested here, so the D700 will have the same, or more problems, than the D300. So the D800/D800E may have the same problem,郁闷啊。详细请看 http://www.kenrockwell. com/nikon/24mm-pc-e-compatibility.htm。
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3。Nikon 50 mm AFS F1.4 ($540) and Canon 50 mm F1.2 L (Amazon $1418)
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4。Nikon 85 mm AFS F1.4 (Amazon $2200) and Canon 85 mm F1.2 L ($2049)
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5。Canon 300 mm F4 IS (Amazon $1285) and Nikon 300 mm AFS F4
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6。Canon 400 mm F5.6 L (Amazon $1249) and Canon 100-400 mm L IS at 400 mm
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7。Nikon 17-35mm F2.8 at 17 mm (Amazon $1760) and Canon 16-35 mm F2.8 L II ($1580) at 16 mm
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8。Nikon 17-35mm F2.8 ($1760) at 17 mm and Nikon 16-35mm F4 VR ($1200) at 16 mm
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9。Nikon 24-70mm F2.8 (Amazon $1889) at 40mm and Canon 24-70mm F2.8 L ($1328) at 40mm
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10。Nikon 70-200mm F2.8 VRII (Amazon $2399) at 200mm and Canon 70-200mm F2.8 IS L II ($2259) at 200mm
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11。Nikon 17-35 mm F2.8 at 17 mm and Nikon 14-24 mm F2.8 at 14 mm
总结: Nikon 50 mm AFS F1.4 (~ $540), Canon 400 mm F5.6 L ($1250), Canon 300 mm F4 IS ($1285) are the best buy (最好性价比)。 想玩转轴? Canon 24mm TSE/5D Mark III (~ $5500), Nikon 24 mm PCE/D4 ( ~$8200) 谢点看, 祝大家玩的乐! |