1. JPMorgan报衍生物仓位亏损,市场传闻说仓位未平,潜在亏损不止自曝的20亿;
2. 美国联邦政府通过法令,要求美联储必要时救助期货交易所:
on Tuesday Team Obama took its first formal steps toward putting taxpayers behind Wall Street derivatives trading -- not behind banks that might make mistakes in derivatives markets, but behind the trading itself. 。。。
Specifically, the law authorizes the Federal Reserve to provide "discount and borrowing privileges" to clearinghouses in emergencies. Traditionally the ability to borrow from the Fed's discount window was reserved for banks, but the new law made clear that a clearinghouse receiving assistance was not required to "be or become a bank or bank holding company." To get help, they only needed to be deemed "systemically important" by the new Financial Stability Oversight Council chaired by the Treasury Secretary.
We're told that the clearinghouses of Chicago's CME Group and Atlanta-based Intercontinental Exchange were voted systemic this week, and rumor has it that the council may even designate London-based LCH.Clearnet as critical to the U.S. financial system. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304840904577422393164106270.html
哈哈,美国的纳税人成了期货市场,衍生物市场的终极救助者了,可喜可贺!无风不起浪,交易市场本身有问题了??? 真好像到处失火的架势。
刑不上大夫呼? 官官相护呼?三权鼎立? 鼎立个屁,我看是狼狈为奸。
4. 美国财政部给与中国人民银行国债直销通道:中国人民银行不必通过银行与券商,可与联储和财政部直接交易美国国债: http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/05/21/us-usa-treasuries-china-idUSBRE84K11720120521
中国购买美债多年了,也已经是最大的债主(美联储除外)。继续购买,不会对市场有什么意外冲击。 对市场冲击最具效果的,一是不期然的突发因素, 二是最大的大户开始改变方向。