

(2011-08-30 07:55:22) 下一个
        CNN记者报道,为避开“艾琳”飓风的威胁,美国维吉尼亚州海军的数十艘大型舰只驰离军港的情况,提到黄蜂号两栖登陆舰舵手——来自中国上海的美国女兵XinYu Chen


    ……如果你想象这艘巨大的844 英尺长船舶已经陷入飓风搅拌的海水中犹如玩弄于灰色海狗的鼓掌中,你要见一见身处这样的危险处境之中的水兵XinYu Chen

Chen 23 岁,加入海军才8个月,分配到黄蜂号也才三个月。她是一个来自中国上海的姑娘。CNN 记者在舰船驾驶舱时,她正在执勤掌舵,XinYu Chen个子不高,不能够透过在她前面的大型设备和舰船驾驶舱的窗口往外看,根本就不知道海面上的情况,但是她很专业,密切听从给她的命令,操控着不锈钢的方向舵使这艘灰色的钢铁庞然大物在北大西洋波涛汹涌的海面上纵横行驰。



Seas get choppier as dozens of Navy warships steam away from Irene

By Larry Shaughnessy, CNN Pentagon Producer

But if you thought that a ship this big, 844 feet long, headed into hurricane-churned ocean waters would be in the hands of grizzled sea dogs, you need to meet Seaman Xin Yu Chen.

Chen is 23 years old, with eight months in the Navy and three months assigned to the Wasp. She's a native of Shanghai, China.

When CNN was on the bridge, she was at the helm, her hands on a plain stainless steel wheel steering this grey steel behemoth through the choppy seas of the North Atlantic.

But Seamen Chen didn't really know what the water looked like, because while she's very professional and listens closely to the people giving her orders, she's not tall enough to see over the large bank of equipment in front of her and out the bridge's windows to see the ocean.

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