

《每日一句汉译英》-- 美风

(2011-12-04 06:21:47) 下一个
1.一项有关时尚之都的年度调查显示,今年纽约击败米兰,再次成为世界第一时尚之都,但世界传统五大时尚之都的地位正受到亚洲和澳大利亚城市的挑战。New York has reclaimed the title of the world's top fashion capital from Milan but the annual poll suggested the top five fashion cities are seeing competition from Asia and Australia. 2. 911恐怖袭击事件已过去整整10年了,美国机场的安检流程仍然频繁变化,人们的抱怨之声甚嚣尘上,有些乘客的愤怒已经到了前所未有的程度,如今美国运输安全管理局正着手进行一项重大的战略调整。Ten years after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, airport-security screening is still in flux, with complaints up, some travelers more outraged than ever and the Transportation Security Administration embarking on a major strategy shift. 3.一项新的研究显示,想让心脏变得更健康,除了要减少饮食中钠的摄入之外,美国人还应该增加一种重要矿物质的摄入,这就是许多果蔬中都含有的钾元素。A new study suggests that in addition to cutting the amount of sodium in their diets to improve heart health, Americans should also increase consumption of a key mineral found in many fruits and vegetables: potassium. 4.钠是盐的重要成分,有迹象表明它会使血压升高,进而增加心脏病发作的风险,但至于高钠饮食是否真的会增加心脏相关疾病发作的风险,各种研究结果却是说法不一。Sodium, a key component of salt, has been shown to raise blood pressure, which in turn raises the risk of heart disease, but studies have shown inconsistent results as to whether high-sodium diets actually boost the risk of heart-related problems. 5.奥巴马总统提出对富人征收更多的税,削减部分社会福利计划和削减军费一揽子计划,以便未来十年将美国的巨额债务减少3万亿美元。President Obama proposed higher taxes on the wealthy, cuts in some social programs and less military spending in a package intended to reduce the huge U.S. debt by another $3 trillion over 10 years. 6. 日本日经指数收跌2%,香港恒生指数收盘时暴跌近5%。首尔、悉尼和上海的股市星期四在收盘时也都下跌至少2%。欧洲各主要股市在午盘交易时的跌幅至少为3%。Japan's Nikkei index closed two percent lower, while the Hang Seng index in Hong Kong plummeted nearly five percent at the closing bell. Markets in Seoul, Sydney and Shanghai had also posted losses of at least two percent on Thursday.Shares on Europe's key markets are all at least three percent lower in mid-morning trading. 7. 曾任美国商务部长的骆家辉就任美国驻华大使已有差不多六个星期,在此期间,他一直就贸易保护主义和人民币汇率问题向中国施压。但未曾想,自他抵达北京后,人们关注的焦点竟然主要是他的华裔身份和他没有官架子的亲民作风,这两点让他受到中国百姓的喜爱,同时却引发了中国官方媒体评论员的担忧。In the roughly six weeks since he started the job, Mr. Locke, the former commerce secretary, has pressed China on protectionism and currency, but finds that much of the focus since he arrived in Beijing has been on his ethnicity and absence of official airs, which have both endeared him to ordinary Chinese and caused consternation among state-media commentators.‪ P.S.1,2,3,4,7 are taken from http://www.cuyoo.com/home/portal.php5,6 are taken from http://www.freexinwen.com/chinese/eng/news_bilingual/index.htm
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