Aesthetic Emotion

The nature of the conflict between the two parties in the U.S.

(2024-10-31 09:58:18) 下一个

Xingguo Zhang


Some people on the Internet say "If you supported the Democratic Party, then you could not be a true Christian."

Such people equate the conflict between the Republican Party and the Democratic Party in the United States with the conflict between Christianity and its oppositions. Such a conclusion is ridiculous.

Kamala Harris is a member of the Baptist Church. Joe Biden is a Catholic. They are both Christians. On the principle of freedom and democracy, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party have highly consistent views. We can see many evidence of this because the US government's foreign policy was largely consistent when there were a transition from one party to another in the U.S. government.

I’d say the conflict between the two parties is not a conflict between good and evil. It is not a conflict between Christianity and its oppositiion. It is not even a conflict between right and wrong. I’d say the conflict between the two parties is a conflict of different emphases. It is a conflict of different priorities.

Take a look at the tax rate. One side says that the highest tax rate should be 37%, and the other side says that the highest tax rate should be 39.6%. Can one say which tax rate is right and which is wrong? This is obviously because the two sides have different emphasis, or different priorities.


In early June this year, after Biden announced a suspension of asylum applications, the number of illegal immigrants arrested at the US-Mexico border plummeted by 33% in July, reaching a new low since September 2020. According to the Associated Press, the US-Mexico border suspended asylum applications from June 5 because the number of illegal immigrants entering the United States on that day exceeded the daily limit of 2,500. After the establishment of maximum limit at the border, the number of illegal immigrants arrested has dropped by 55%, and before that, the Mexican government strengthened border enforcement, which greatly reduced the number of immigrants entering the United States illegally earlier this year.

Not only on the issue of illegal immigration, but also on abortion, LGBTQ, and other thorny issues, the differences between the two parties are also differences in emphasis.

Trump recently said that the issue of abortion should be decided by each state. Trump obviously does not regard the issue of abortion as a question of right and wrong. He will disappoint many conservatives.

Kamala Harris is quite focused on the issue of abortion. The most extreme thing she did was to participate in the drafting of a California bill in 2016, requiring that a notice about the government's services for pregnant women be posted in the Crisis Pregnancy Center run by churches. The bill she drafted was struck down by the court two years later. Since then, Harris has only been paying lip service on abortion issue.

Now we can see that both sides are moving towards the middle on the issues of abortion and border management. In fact, other policies of the two sides are not far apart.

I oppose those who elevates the differences between the two American parties to the religious level. I think today we need to work hard to get American politics back on the track of mutual respect and civilized dialogue.

Trump is a narcissist. However, with the US Constitution, it is unlikely that he would cause a big mess as president. And he would definitely step down in four years. I support Harris not because I agree with Harris' policies, but because I think Trump is not suitable.

Harris is not particularly smart. I hope she knows that she is not very capable and does things the Biden's way, following the rules and political traditions and not making trouble.

Obama followed the rules and U.S. political traditions in his first four years. Because he very much wanted to be re-elected. He did well. In the next four years, there was no need for re-election. He acted a little recklessly. In 2012, Trayvon Martin was shot and killed by George Zimmerman in Florida. Obama said, "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon." He turned a criminal case into a political event which suppressed the police force and incited racial dissatisfaction. Obama's words and actions on the Trayvon Martin incident were completely wrong.

If Kamala Harris became president, it would be her first four years, and she would generally not cause trouble. If Trump were president, it would be his last four years. I don't know what damage he, as a convicted felon and a narcissist, would cause for the country.

I am not very pessimistic about the 2024 election. I believe that no matter what the result of the election is, the American democratic system will successfully cope with new challenges and prevail. I believe that in a few years, American politics will return to the tradition of mutual respect and civilized dialogue.

=== below is the Chinese version ===

网上有人说 “如果你支持民主党,那么你不可能是真的基督徒。”
贺锦丽是浸信会 成员。 拜登是天主教徒。他们都是基督徒。 在自由,民主的原则问题上,民主党与共和党有高度一致的理念。这一点,从美国政府外交政策上的连贯性,我们看到很明显的证据。
我认为 两个党的冲突不是 正义与邪恶之间的冲突。不是基督徒与其对立面的冲突。 甚至不是对与错的冲突。我认为两个党的冲突是侧重点不同的冲突。是不同 priority 的冲突。
看一看税率。 一方说最高税率应该是 37%,另外一方说最高税率应该是 39.6%。 这两者之间是对与错的问题吗? 这明显的是侧重点不一致的问题。

川普最近说堕胎问题应该由各个州自己决定。川普显然不把堕胎问题看成是 对于错 的问题。他会让很多保守派人士失望。
贺锦丽在堕胎问题上很用心。她做的最极端的事情,也就是2016年参与了起草加州的一个法案,要求在教会办的孕妇协助中心 (Crisis Pregnancy Center) 里,贴一个关于政府有给孕妇提供服务的告示。她搞的法案两年后被法庭取缔了。从那之后,贺锦丽在堕胎问题上,也就是动动嘴皮子而已。
我反对把两个美国党派之间的差别 提高到宗教层面的言论。我认为 今天我们需要为美国政治 重新回到 互相尊重,文明对话的轨道 而努力。

奥巴马的头四年是循规蹈矩的。因为他非常想连任。所以做的还行。 后面的四年,没有连任的需求了。他有些胡来。2012 年 Trayvon Martin 被 George Zimmerman 枪杀。奥巴马说“如果我有儿子,他可能长得与 Trayvon 一样”。他把一件刑事案件,变成了打压警察,煽动种族之间不满情绪 的政治事件。奥巴马在 Trayvon Martin 事件上的言行完全错了。
我对 2024 年的大选没有很悲观。我相信无论大选的结果如何,美国的民主体制都会成功地应付新的挑战,接受新的检验。我相信 几年之后,美国政治会回到互相尊重,文明对话的轨道上来。 

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