
装修流水账。开始跟老狐狸说的是2万4做3个浴室加厨房地板, 之中要拆一块壁橱的板,加了5百块, 老狐狸说地毯是肯定要换,给了个价钱一层6000-7000快,现在最近的消息是, 老狐狸说地下室的暴露的电线一定要拆掉,不拆不会检查过关,所以要1000块。

New life of an old sheet --DIY tank top

(2017-08-24 08:50:33) 下一个

My old silk sheet has come to the end of her life. She had been glorious and luxurious during her peak days. Now some part of her is tired and torn.  However I still see life in her. I decided to transform her into a beautiful new life.


I made view A of Mccalls M6751. It is a tank top with cross back design. When I looked at the photo in the pattern I just love the youth spirit of it.

The tank top is very easy to make. I used clear elastics to re-enforce the edges. This cause some part of the edge to be a little wrinkly. If I make it again using silk fabric I will just serge and turn over. That will make the edge much more flatter.

The tank top is pretty loose fitting. As you can see from the second photo, the back has two pieces cross over.  It is a very nice design.

Today I am having a bad hair day so chopped off my head in the photo. The silk fabric has nice sheen. It is so soft and beautiful. I am happy I can reuse it.


Two photos of me on the deck relaxing.

I am not going to show you the back pictures. The tank top back is somewhat exposed. Being a very conservative person I decided I am just going to wear it at home, with a cami underneath.

More to come…Have a nice day.


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