"Broken Vow"
Tell me her name I want to know
The way she looks and where you go
I need to see her face I need to understand
Why you and I came to an end
Tell me again I want to hear
Who broke my faith in all these years
Who lays with you at night when I'm here all alone
Remembering when I was your own
I let you go I let you fly
Why do I keep asking why I'll let you go
Now that I found a way to keep somehow
More than a broken vow
Tell me the words I never said
Show me the tears you never shed
Give me the touch that one you promised to be mine
Or has it vanished for all time
I close my eyes and dream of you and I
And then I realize there's more to life than only bitterness and lies
I close my eyes
I'd give away my soul to hold you once again
And never let this promise end
• wow! 终于听到了忘记的演绎!精彩!!让人过耳难忘~~~~ -Octorber-
(0 bytes) (8 reads) 11/21/11 16:23:26 • 非常感谢Octorber提供伴奏和甜果酱。。。。 -忘了忘记-
(118 bytes) (11 reads) 11/21/11 16:39:46 • 太应景的一首歌了,动情的演唱被感动得不敢听下去了,去墙角一会,再回来接着听。。。 -Melodymd-
(0 bytes) (9 reads) 11/21/11 16:30:24 • 谢谢Melodymd的共鸣,非常欣赏你清澈柔美的歌声! -忘了忘记-
(0 bytes) (6 reads) 11/21/11 16:47:35 • 深深地被贴子吸引住了。 -109-
(0 bytes) (8 reads) 11/21/11 18:49:50 • 也喜欢这贴子,谢谢听歌果酱! -忘了忘记-
(0 bytes) (3 reads) 11/22/11 05:13:00 • 对歌情绪的把握和表达非常好!更喜欢你和小路的歌剧魅影,让人一听难忘。 -欢乐绿洲-
(0 bytes) (13 reads) 11/21/11 20:15:21 • 谢谢绿洲的甜果酱,很喜欢上次绿洲唱得‘清明雨上’,嗓音很好听! -忘了忘记-
(0 bytes) (2 reads) 11/22/11 05:14:48 • 美图美唱,声音动听,演绎动人! -金山海湾-
(0 bytes) (8 reads) 11/21/11 20:16:40 • 谢谢专业大腕的美言! -忘了忘记-
(0 bytes) (2 reads) 11/22/11 05:15:30 • DingE歌!E文很正! -听乐-
(0 bytes) (3 reads) 11/22/11 04:28:03 • 谢谢听乐果酱,听乐好嗓音! -忘了忘记-
(0 bytes) (2 reads) 11/22/11 08:37:02 • 思绪随歌声飞荡, 忘了忘记的,想了想起的... -福教授-
(0 bytes) (4 reads) 11/22/11 07:58:09 • 谢谢教授听歌支持,教授是吹弹唱俱佳,厉害! -忘了忘记-
(0 bytes) (3 reads) 11/22/11 08:40:14 • 美丽动人的歌声,让人难忘记。。。帖子也美得让我忘了忘记。。。:) -偶尔发呓-
(0 bytes) (1 reads) 11/22/11 18:15:18 • 谢谢大才女歌星美言! -忘了忘记-
(0 bytes) (0 reads) 11/22/11 20:29:57
忘了忘记 , 这个笔名真有意思 , 赞 .