
M-Audio MobilePre USB Portable Audio Interface

(2012-10-05 17:14:37) 下一个

M-Audio MobilePre USB Portable Audio Interface


录音硬件 (I dedicated this document to GaoShan friend 戈壁滩)

当软件装上时,就得看硬件是不是也工作了。话筒和耳机是必须的, 电脑声卡有友好的,接受各种层次的话筒, 也有拒绝很多种话筒的。我的电脑声卡就是, 连一般的话筒都不行。录音时能看见下面green bar在动,却看不见wave 录在track 上。尤其好的话筒,像Shure SM58,好像普遍都说信息太小, 这时加大信息是一种可行的办法。
我买了M-Audio MobilePre USB Portable Audio Interface 来加大input volume. 下面是link 供参考。

First you need to install the device software which comes with the Audio Interface. There are some additional editing software with the purchase, I did not install them because I have these functions in CE. But you must install device software as the first step.

And then you need to make sure to connect 3 lines correctly:

Line 1 – USB line (gray line). This line comes with the product. You need to connect this line from USB port of audio interface with USB port in your computer. You can easily find the holes since they are so obvious for the size.

Line 2 – cable line for microphone. This line does not come with my purchase, so I have to buy it separately. You need to make sure you buy a right one. Look carefully for the two ends for what you really need. Open the box to see how many lines coming with your purchase. You may be lucky to get all the lines. If not, you can buy them right away. I do not know this and have to drive back to Sam Ash Music Store three times. You need to connect this line from audio interface with your microphone.

Line 3 A– for desktop, you need to connect from your speaker to audio interface output stereo hole (Under output section at the back of the device, there are 3 holes, the smaller one with color is.)

Line 3 B – for laptop, you need to have a line with both small heads, like the size of the head of the headphone. You need to buy this line if it does not come with your purchase. Connect this line from audio interface output stereo hole to your laptop microphone hole.

Now you made all the connection.

这个产品有的说好用,有的说头痛。就我这两天install 的经历来说,简直让我睡不着。折腾了一番,把它接上了desktop. 折腾了两天,还是无法与laptop 接上. 毛病是我一插上USB接头,伴奏乐就听不见了。问题就出在了USB上. 我不太懂USB, 从internet上看到,USB有USB port和USB hut。我不懂有什么区别。若是安部就班装上就工作了,你的USB是那种 友好的. 若是安部就班装上还不工作的, setting 就有点不一样了。


When you connect with lines, your audio interface should be lit (blue line). Then play a song from Window Media Player. If you can hear the sound, you have no problem. Your computer USB recognizes audio interface device. If not, please follow the steps to change your setting to try to see if this solves your problem.

• Go to start/control panel/sounds and audio devices/click audio tab
• You should see two areas 1) sound playback 2) sound recording (normally, both should show “M-Audio Mobile Pre” because they are the defaults when you connect the audio interface with your computer. However, my computer does not play sound when these two are selected, so I have to change the setting as:

• Sound playback – my original sound card, not M-Audio Mobile Pre (from drop down box, you can see you have two choices, one is M-Audio Mobile Pre and the other one should be your original sound device in your computer.)

• Sound recording - M-Audio Mobile Pre

This is how I finally got my laptop connected with this audio interface.

仅供参考。I hope this can help those who need audio interface to increase input volume for recording.

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