

Different kind of Trust

(2013-07-29 07:03:49) 下一个
1. the advantage of living trust is preventing your assets going into court probation, which is a long and costly process.

your estate tax is base on your net worth, has nothing to do with setting up a trust. by setup a trust does not gain tax benefit, what you owe in death tax, you still owe, but you can prolong that tax till the second member die while your heirs can still receive a portion of your hard earn money.

there are many type of trust, each fit a special purpose needed, most frequently used is call A-B trust, where A is survivor, B is family, when one spouse die, assets at that time will divided in 2 parts, you can fund the B trust up to deceased spouse's federal estate tax exemption, and the remaining in A, which mean you don't need pay any estate tax at this time, but still able to pass thru portion of your assets to your heirs.

now, when you die, A trust then must distributed at the time, and pay the estate tax base on the asset in A.

you can direct how the asset is distributed, to whom, when or at what age. 

if your net worth is XX million, you should also consider A_B_C trust, where C can be just a life insurance policy on you, own by the trust and the face value can offsets the estate tax in A.

if your net worth is over XXXXX million, then you should consider a charitable trust, where assets within goes to charity instead of going to IRS.

2. there is not much you can do to reduce the power of a trustee, when you name the trustee, you naming someone act for you, what you can do is to can name someone to audit the trustee's activities, if the trustee fail to perform or lie or steal, your heirs can file suit to release him from the trustee post, which is a painful process.

3. you set of trust papers should include more than just the trust itself, you need an assignment agreement to assign all your personal affects, you should also appoint a durable general power of attorney before you lay in the hospitable, a medical power of attorney to decide you live or die, and you still need a living will for your own wish if you a vegetable, and lastly, your last will, tells your heirs what you want to with anything you left outside of your trust..



专业房地产人员:必要条件 1.每年在房地产工作了750钟头以上,并且所有的时间都有详细记录;2.必须收入的1半以上来自房地产。也就是说专业房地产人员是以房地产收入为生,那所有有关的开销都可以作为business expenses 来抵消收入。jy版主之类就是专业地主。

业余地主:哪怕是远程管理都可以算为 active manager for the rental property. 如果收入10万以下,最多可以 deduct $25000 lost。如果收入大于15万,$25000 deduction limit is phased out, you can carry over the loss to next year.如果你的收入在10万到15万之间,亏损折半抵税。如果你明年的收入低了,可用以前积累的亏损来抵税,如果你的收入一直高于15万,卖房子的时候所有的carry over loss can be used to deduct 卖房的 gain.

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