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纯铜 回复 悄悄话 开个玩笑而已,要学会幽默。

wenxueop 回复 悄悄话 >> 有了自动系统想用手动,有了细粮要吃粗粮。
情绪化了不是,楼主赶紧来删YY的帖 :-)
pls stick to business.
纯铜 回复 悄悄话 有了自动系统想用手动,有了细粮要吃粗粮,这都是人的本性。有本事丫别开飞机,自己身上插上一排羽毛,从悬崖边上一跃飞上蓝天,那才牛逼呢。
wenxueop 回复 悄悄话 related to ACLS:
Autonomous landing on a carrier is nothing new, though so far there’s always a pilot sitting in the airplane to take over when the system is pushed to the limit. Carrier based aircraft have used auto land capabilities since the late 1950s when the automatic carrier landing system (ACLS) was developed. The ACLS uses an aircraft’s autopilot, coupled to the instruments a pilot would normally use to land on a carrier to guide an airplane to the carrier deck. ACLS can take an aircraft all the way to touchdown, though most pilots prefer to make the landing themselves.

Where the real challenge is for automated landing systems is getting the aircraft the final few feet to the carrier deck when the weather is less than ideal. The ACLS can fly an airplane to the aircraft carrier in stormy conditions, but those final few seconds to touchdown can be a real challenge when the deck is pitching and rolling in the swells. This is what pilots say is the single biggest challenge of flying from an aircraft carrier. Developing the autonomous recovery capabilities for all weather conditions is going to be one of the biggest challenges facing the X-47B team.

As background, ACLS provided by BELL has been installed to 5+ US carriers.

Well, that is why I have the impression that the pilot would rather place the fate on their own hands instead of on ACLS, at least currently.
纯铜 回复 悄悄话 虽然很多飞机没有自动着陆系统,那也是因为有LOS 系统辅助,不需要自降系统。
纯铜 回复 悄悄话 米帝使用自动系统帮助飞机在航母将落。虽然该类信息很少,可能是由于保密的缘故,但请大家看下面的帖子和连接。


Carriers are fitted with the Automatic Carrier Landing System which allow certain aircraft to be "auto-landed" onto the carrier. Not all carrier aircraft can use the system however. Whether it's popular with the aircrews is another matter. (I don't think it is.)

F-14s aren't equipped with ACLS (I don't think).
F-18s are.

Otherwise landings are all done visually day and night without any automatics.

There are flight deck lights and the drop line lights to help the pilot land onboard. If the carrier is operating close to friendly land, the returning aircraft have an option to divert to land, otherwise the carrier is the only place to land and the pilots just keep trying and trying until they get back onboard.

The fun part is when they turn out the flight deck lights, try landing with NVGs Smile I think helo pilots have it harder when they are using NVGs to land. Try putting a helo onto a pitching flight deck 100ft x 35ft wide with no lights at night. You realize very quickly how important peripheral vision is in trying to land. You're missing a lot of visual cues that you have during the day. There is no equivalent automatic landing system for helicopters.

Cheers Smile
Woodreau / KMVL
wenxueOp 回复 悄悄话 应用自动降落系统完成航母起落应该"对世界一超来说"不算什么难事。
都市红尘 回复 悄悄话 无知者无畏啊
明明32 回复 悄悄话 可以想像未来10年20年tg呜央呜央的4代机群和少量点缀其中的航母。。。中国越来越好是事实,骂也没用,只能证明您心脏(一声)
julienmum 回复 悄悄话 冷嘲热讽半天,人国内的同志们该干嘛还干嘛,上天的上天,入海的入海,有点好奇,您这心理素质也真够坚强的啊!
ChineseAchilles 回复 悄悄话 请网友文明评论,任何人身攻击侮辱用语将一律删除,并报文学城管。。。
Blueflame 回复 悄悄话 1920s level
白雪红尘 回复 悄悄话 LZ心灵受到了严重的伤害。
杂家 回复 悄悄话 等于是一个三十多岁的二傻子,逢人就兴高采烈的炫耀說:看!我都會自己撓痒了。
ingodwetrustforever 回复 悄悄话 雖然有差距, 有進步 就好
mpc8240 回复 悄悄话 傻鸟,二战时的飞机和现在的飞机有什么区别你懂嘛?
lzr 回复 悄悄话 外国人的屁都是香的.
airbus 回复 悄悄话 这里的葡萄真的很酸啊!
ilovenz 回复 悄悄话 一不小心,你又伤害了中国人民的感情。过去的丑事是不能宣扬的,这样不吉利。
纯铜 回复 悄悄话 在电脑技术普遍应用的今天,应用自动降落系统完成航母起落应该不算什么难事吧?一群文科记者给形容成刀尖上的舞蹈,也太夸张了。
Sam大树 回复 悄悄话 当年的热气球降落根本不用技术,但“现在的军队不再靠战马军刀充数了” (O8对罗尼)
颐和园 回复 悄悄话 不积跬步,无以至千里。
Tiangang 回复 悄悄话 b不明白为什么中国有一丁点儿好事儿就有人气急败坏。