

(2013-03-09 07:15:02) 下一个

3/9, the pulse started shooting into the bedroom early morning around 6:20am until I left the room.

3/8, whole night was attacked by the electronic magnetic pulse/radio wave/mirowave and didn't go to sleep, but moved around to avoid the invisible bullets until morning 7:00am. After 7:30am I settled down in the living room, there was couple pulses dropped on me, but at least I didn't have to move much.

3/7, the pulse started shooting into the bedroom early morning around 6:00am and followed me to the living room until 10:00am. It started shooting into the living room around afternoon 16:00pm and continued intensely until 23:40pm I left the living room. Then continued in same fashion into the bedroom on the 2nd floor until next morning(3/8) 7:00am when I left the bedroom.

3/6, the pulse started shooting into the bedroom early morning around 5:00am until I left the room. Around 15:00pm, the pulse started shooting into the house again. It continued shooting into the living room until around 22:30pm when I left to sleep. Some pulse comes from the left side, while some from the front.

3/5, the pulse started shooting into the bedroom early morning around 3:30am and intensified. Some created very loud “papa” sound when they hit on hard surface. It slowed down at around 6:20am. It continued following me around the house until I left the house morning around 8:00am to buy some electrical parts. Evening around 19:00pm it started again and followed me to the bed.

3/ 4, the pulse started shooting into the bedroom around morning 6:30am and continued until I left the room. Evening around 19:30pm it started again shooting into the living room until I left the room.

3/3, the pulse started shooting into the bedroom early morning around 4:00am until I left the room. It shot into the living room at evening between 18:00pm and 18:26pm, 20:00pm to 23:30pm when I left the living room to sleep.

3/2, the pulse started shooting into the bedroom early morning around 4:00am until I left the room. The pulse shot at me time by time during the day. Started from evening around 18:00pm, the intensity and frequency increased.

3/1, the pulse started shooting into the bedroom early morning around 4:00am until I left the room. During the day, the pulse shot into the living room time by time. The strength and frequency increased started at evening 20:56pm. Then followed to the bedroom.

2/28, the pulse shot into the bedroom all night. Since I was doing some packing and didn't sit at living room for long until evening comes, also couple people visited the house during the daytime, the pulse stopped for the daytime. Around evening 21:00pm, the rampage started again in the living and bedroom.

2/27, the pulse started shooting into the bedroom early morning around 4:00am mainly dropped down on the area where my head is located until I left the room. Started from 14:12pm, the pulse started shooting into the living room after I just had face-to-face conversation with the right side neighbor and sat down. It followed me to the bedroom.

2/26, started from 12:00noon as I sat in living room, the pulse scattered into the living room until afternoon 16:40pm. It started to shot into living room around 17:30pm again followed me to the bedroom.

2/25, drove back to and arrived in Baltimore around 8:30am. Got some grocery and went home around 9:00am. As the time entering the door, the male from the left side house (Number 7 Tee Ct) popped out and kept shouting: “How are you” “Hello” “Am I talking to the wall?”...I know very well the some of electron pulses/radio waves/microwave are from his house. I ignored him and entered in my home and close the door. The pulses started shooting and following at me around evening 21:00pm when I was sitting in the living room or lying down on the bed until 2/26 morning.

2/24, early morning around 4:00am, bursts of electron pulses raining down to the bedroom the section against the wall close to the steps where that time my head was set while I was lying on the bed. Drove back and arrived in Lititz at noon. Sitting in the living room and until afternoon 17:00pm felt scattered pulse shot from the front door direction and piecing into my calves and stopped around 18:00pm. It started again around 19:00pm but shooting from the top toward the chest.

2/23, drove to Baltimore, started evening around 21:00pm, electron pulse/radio wave followed me around the house.

2/22, electron pulse shot into bedroom early morning in scattered fashion. It shot into the living room constantly until 21:00pm. It started around 22:00pm again.

2/21, electron pulse shot into bedroom early morning in scattered fashion. It shot into the living room not until 14:00pm with bursts of electron wave bumping on sofa back from the front door side.

2/19-2/20, early morning electron pulse/radio wave/microwave was shot heavily into the bedroom. Electron pulse was shot into the living room during the day and bedroom during the night.

2/18, early morning electron pulse/radio wave/microwave was shot into the bedroom. For whole day electron pulse was shot into the living room, moved directions as I changed sitting locations in the room. It shot more heavily into the bedroom at night until next day morning. The pulses dropped on the pillow and created “pa pa” sound beside the ears.

2/17early morning electron pulse/radio wave/microwave was shot into the bedroom. Afternoon returned to B's house in PA.

2/16, 早上4:00-8:00am零零散散射到卧室。下午15:00pm后零零散散的热波射到头顶,腹部当坐在靠右边墙的沙发上,从方向看是从顶上或房子正面前方或斜前方的某个点射进来的。

2/15, 晚上20:00pm后零零散散的热波射到头顶,腹部,和小腿。

2/14, 一大早坐在客厅还能感觉到电磁波射到身上,搽过膝盖,到了8-9点后全部消失了。

I still felt electron pulse shooting on me and scratching through top of my knees, but disappeared totally around 8:00 to 9:00am. It came back around 11:52am.

2/13,到达Baltimore 自己家,不到一小时候,电磁波就零零散散射进来。.

Arrived home in Baltimore, less than one hour, the electron pulse started rain dropping into the rooms.

US A2/10, 到达lititz Bolgi家,坐在客厅几小时后,就有电磁波射到客厅沙发上;射到房间的电磁波是零零散散的。后来几天都一样。

2/9, 在香港出发,美联航班机UA896上,在发送晚餐前后和夜间零食前后,有一阵一阵电磁波/微波从背后(我坐34K,右手靠窗) 射到身上,角度有时是左斜方向发射出,在第二天发送早餐前,强度翻倍,落到左腿膝盖左后面,腰背下部,左肩上边缘。在UA3606上,我坐1C,最前方座位,当时两个航空先生在前方聊天,一个坐在推车后过道,可以看到朝向过道的脸,一个在右面服务间,就是在他们聊天期间有一阵一阵的微波落到右胸靠上部位,锁骨下方,产生一阵阵震动感。聊天结束后就没有了。

2/7, 下午差不多14:00pm左右,电磁波从顶上和卧室窗外(大楼背面)射到卧室持续差不多1小时,在晚上20:00pm22:00pm之间,电磁波从顶上/左方(312楼)312号楼的墙前充斥电磁波/微波;夜晚电磁波从底下或卧室窗外(大楼背面)射到卧室一直到2/8早上,因为楼层底,所以电磁波由床垫下穿过往上。射到客厅,靠


2/6, 早上坐在客厅,差不多9/10点钟,一阵电磁波/微波从顶上射下落在胸前,持续了大约20分钟;夜晚电磁波从顶上和卧室窗外时不时射到卧室一直到2/7早上。




2/4, 从晚上21:30pm开始电磁波从左前方(312楼)2/5早上。穿过阳台射到客厅,强度明显降低很多,还有一些电磁波好像是从顶上或厨房窗外射进来的;夜晚电磁波从顶上和卧室窗外时不时射到卧室一直到






2/122:00pm回到家, 在客厅电磁波从左面(312)/左前方射进;夜晚从顶上或大楼进出口对面/右斜对面射到卧室的强烈电磁波过了一阵就减弱了。


1/31, 在客厅19:30pm 20:22pm强烈电磁波从顶上或大楼进出口前方射进,20:24pm后从顶上或左边和大楼进出口左前方射进;夜晚强烈的电磁波从顶上或大楼进出口对面/右斜对面射到卧室一直到2/1,打在金属和玻璃表面发出“啪啪”声,临晨2:11am停了2分钟,而后继续着。


1/30, 下午起电磁波 从顶上/左上方(312楼)24:40pm回到客厅,电磁波消失了;夜里从顶上或大楼进出口对面或右前方射到卧室的电磁波不断一直到1/31一直射到客厅越来越强烈,离开客厅一会儿,


1/29, 从凌辰到下午16:00pm电磁波从顶上/左边(312楼)19:00pm左右电磁波又充斥了整个客厅到22:13pm才慢慢退去;夜里在卧室,电磁波从顶上或卧室窗外的方向和大楼进出口方向射进来一直到1/30一直时不时射到客厅,卧室,卫生间,厨房; 从晚上


1/28, 晚上20:00-21:00pm开始,电磁波从顶上或左边(312楼方向)射到客厅;晚上在卧室,电磁波从顶上或卧室/厨房窗外的方向射来一直到1/29


1/27,零晨522am电磁波从顶上或卧室/厨房窗外的方向射到卧室还没有停止,坐在客厅电脑桌前打写这些记录,电磁波从阳台外左前方和右前方或者顶上射到我背后胯部两侧,过了5分钟消失了,但是从顶上或者从厨房窗外射来的电磁波打在小肚子上还是继续着,从顶上或左边(312楼方向)射来的也继续了一整天,整个客厅从电脑桌,靠左墙(312楼), 靠阳台都能感觉到电磁波从上而射下来晚上在卧室,电磁波从顶上或卧室/厨房窗外的方向射来一直到1/28


1/26, 晚上从外面到家,坐在客厅靠阳台的座位上,电磁波从顶上或卧室/厨房窗外的方向射来;晚上在卧室,电磁波从顶上或卧室/厨房窗外的方向射来一直到1/27


1/25, 下午14:30pm电磁波从阳台外或顶上左(312楼)前方射到我背后当我坐在客厅电脑桌前,10分钟后消失了,17:30pm同样的持续到,  晚上卧室内有强烈的电磁波从下而上穿透床垫或从上而下落在身上一直到1/26, 从下而上的电磁波非常频繁强烈 。

1/24 晚,从顶上射下的强烈电磁波把卫生间与卧室之间的墙变成了电磁场,从卫生间或卧室靠近墙壁,皮肤都会有被灼伤的感觉,卧室内时不时有电磁波从下而上穿透床垫或从上而下落在身上。


1/23-1/24, 白天在阳台上能感受到电磁波从大楼进出口对面或右前方射过来,卫生间/卧室都是,发射点可能在低层,所以一些电磁波从下穿透床垫而上。






8-9:00pm/1/20,到家坐定还不到一小时,强烈的电磁波射到客厅,10:00pm多上床睡觉,又跟着到卧室,紧接着邻居小孩斯声裂肺的哭声传来。这几天, 一到晚上,人在客厅,电磁波射到客厅,人在卧室,射到卧室。 




17:30pm/1/15, 客厅电脑桌靠墙侧,靠312楼侧电磁波直射下来,1940pm没有了,1954pm又有了整个晚上我室内被要么顶上,要么窗外来的电磁波射到。 


24:41am/1/8/2013, 半夜往卧室内射的电磁波很厉害,不同的身体部位被射得生疼,醒来换位置,接着听到隔壁婴幼儿的大哭声。这么巧合,好多次我感觉到电磁波/无型热波时,正门对面套房内的婴儿就会哭。难道这电磁武器是用来摧残妇女儿童的?

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