

(2010-10-29 20:09:52) 下一个

A story on Yale admission

Branford College, Yale University


Yale 2014 Acceptance Story (from a college-related website)

Dear Yale Class of 2014,

I’m writing to you to share my acceptance story and hopefully entertain all of you smart students who actually deserve to go to Yale. (the implication here is that I do not- which is completely intended). Sorry Yale, you must have mixed me up with another guy. he he.

Thursday,April 1st, commonly known as “College Death-Day” throughout the halls of my high school, was a terribly unproductive day. It would have served me better to stay at home and spend the last few moments of my pre-rejection days with my family. We could sit in our humble kitchen and bash ivy league schools for their weaknesses and faulty admissions processes, praising Home state University for its practical incentives.However, that was not the case. I was forced to sit through hours of lecture until that long dreaded 5 p.m. EDT finally came.

You see I had it all planned out, logically and neatly. I would look at the decisions in a precise order- first Cornell, next UPenn, then Princeton, after that Yale, and finally Harvard. (in order of decreasing 2009 acceptance rates, in case you were wondering). You see I figured I would prepare myself. If I got rejected to Cornell I would know right away that all hope was lost in my ivy league dream.

So when that time finally came around I grabbed my parents’ laptop and headed into my room, being sure to bring a box of tissues and to lock the door as I went in. A man needs privacy when he expects to be doing some hardcore weeping.

Round One: Cornell- Rejected! Cornell’s rejection had the simultaneous effects of causing hopeless apathy in my heart and yet sheer panic. Something inside of me died, even as I could feel myself getting more and more upset. I ran to my parents telling them how mad I was and how unfair the whole situation was. They braced themselves for a long weekend…

Everything got worse as my meticulous plan was shattered when I accidentally clicked to open the letter from Harvard in my in box. I didn’t want to look yet! Their decision to put me on the waiting list puzzled me. I didn’t know how to feel.

But it wasn’t over yet… As I finally remembered the password to my UPenn account the word “Congratulations” in the letter caused me to read no more. I ran around my house screaming, finally falling down in complete ecstasy. I had made it to an ivy league after all!!! You have no idea how much happiness I felt in that moment. I don’t remember if I was running around my house or flying.

And then…after calling some family members and hearing them scream on the phone across the country, I logged into Yale’s account (I forgot my password to Princeton so I decided to check Yale’s decision first-after all Harvard’s untimely email had already destroyed my plan).Suddenly a bulldog and song appeared onscreen. I was really thrown off;I thought it was a criminal April fool’s joke (how silly of me), but after reading the congratulatory statement like five times I finally decided that Yale had actually accepted me. If getting in to UPenn was exciting, then getting into Yale should be illegal- that’s how insane it was. I ran outside and started telling America how much I loved her and how much I wanted to marry her (personification? anthropomorphism? idk). You could have punched me in the face and it would have tickled.

My whole family screamed all day long, my sister and her friend went to the gas station to buy me congratulatory candy and kept stopping random strangers to tell them the news, and my mom cried.

I didn’t sleep at all last night. I just kept getting up and logging into yale.edu to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. I still don’t know why they accepted me. I never thought I would have such an amazing opportunity.I am mentally preparing myself though. I have officially kissed my inflated high school grades goodbye and prepared myself to be the Yale mistake. Hopefully someone there will take pity on me and help me fit in with all the other students. Otherwise, I’ll be like the puppy in the litter who learns to walk like six months after all of his little puppy brothers and sisters. wow random comparison lol. sorry.

Anyways, I’d love to hear everyone else’s acceptance stories. Does anyone else feel like the Yale mistake besides me?!

Yours Truly,

Accepted Student, Yale Class of 2014

Accepted: Yale, UPenn
Waitlisted: Harvard, Columbia
Rejected: Stanford (EA), Princeton, Cornell

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