2011 (1)
2015 (1)
2017 (1)
Andrew passed his first piano audition last Sunday. He was a little nervous and had an accident at the fourth piece. Overall he did a great job and the teacher was very pleased with him.
He finally got to open the toy that I bought for him for his award, which was there in his bedroom for a couple weeks, only allowed to look without opening. Daddy got him a fancy basketball net with shaft, which everyone in the family enjoyed quite a bit since it got set up on Sunday afternoon. Daddy placed it on our huge deck and we took turns to practice shooting baskets. Andrew was pretty good at it and he scored 10 times tonight after dinner.
麻烦嘛, 也就是会受到惩罚. 根据具体情况和错误轻重, 会被剥夺周末看电视和玩游戏的权利, 或者得不到新玩具, 等等不一啦. 不过我有时候也会心虚, 不知将来他更独立的时候是否我就没什么招儿了.
我常常跟劳工抱怨来着: "本来俺们虽不算窈窕, 好歹也是温柔娴淑的; 现如今已经被生活千锤百炼, 炼成了泼妇啦, 真郁闷……”
也许我平时是有点儿过了? 反正他没开不是因为沉得住气, 是因为没这胆儿:(