
No Corruptions in Mao's Dynasty?

(2010-09-10 10:16:09) 下一个

My nerve was caught by an article "Why No Corruptions in Mao's Dynasty" , even more so by the auther who claim to be a "witness of the time". To me, there are three reasons for some one from that time to say so:

Too short a memory

None to the extent to the corruptions nowadays

Too ignorant, no idea what is corruption

None of these reasons has a legit ground . There were (are and will be ) always much more corruptions in any Communist autocracy system than in a democracy system. No exceptions in Mao’s dynasty. Just to name a few here:

Abuse of Power, the ultimate corruption. There was no human right at all, one’s power can override law, social justice, let along moral justice. In an extreme instance, your chance for life would be very remote if some one higher up want you to die.

Sex Bribery. How many young women in the 1950-70 generation were forced into sex bribery to the government officials at all level, even to some of those with no rank but in charge, in order to go to college, to join the Army, to get a job, to get back to the cities from rural villages …? the list can go on and on.

Back Door Action. Any one age 45 or older should still have vivid memories how bad that was. You got to be a family or friend, or by bribery to those government officials in order for an ordinary person to do almost anything.

It’s so easy to be impressed by the enormous corruptions we see and we hear today, simply because of much improved media (internet the most), and also because of huge numbers of money involved in many corruptions due to a much grown economy as whole. However, the effect and extent of corruptions were not any less in Mao’s time than that of today. Regardless of the extent of corruptions, it leads to an unfair society, causes fraudulent and cheating mentality of the whole nation, and will eventually back fire on economic development and the stability of the Country.

Corruption is sadly in human nature and unchecked by autocracy. It doesn’t matter who will be the leader, Hu, Xi Jingping, Bo Xilai, or even me myself, for as long as one party ruling autocracy exists in China, corruption won’t be disappeared or get any less any time soon. Just see the association between corruption and autocracy by looking back to China’s long and repeated history of autocracy.

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