
交流专利研究感想: gu.rhonda@yahoo.com


(2010-09-07 14:55:46) 下一个



专业人士请参 35 USC 102(g):

A person shall be entitled to a patent unless—

(g) (1) during the course of an interference conducted under section 135 or section 291, another inventor involved therein establishes, to the extent permitted in section 104, that before such person’s invention thereof the invention was made by such other inventor and not abandoned, suppressed, or concealed, or (2) before such person’s invention thereof, the invention was made in this country by another inventor who had not abandoned, suppressed, or concealed it. In determining priority of invention under this subsection, there shall be considered not only the respective dates of conception and reduction to practice of the invention, but also the reasonable diligence of one who was first to conceive and last to reduce to practice, from a time prior to conception by the other.

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爱恨专利 回复 悄悄话 回复hsongk的评论:
Thank you for your comment. If you read the entire text in 35 USC 102 carefully, you will find out that only (a) and (g) have something to do with “date of invention”. My experience is that less than 20% of U.S. patent applications need you to “swear behind” under (a) or need you to go though the interference procedure under (g). In 80% cases, the USPTO use filing date only, at least prima facie, to decide the priority of an application.
Please forgive me if the expression I only used to communicate with a layperson bothers you. Best,
hsongk 回复 悄悄话 大部分国家包括中国都是先申请制,美国是先发明制,意思是谁先发明谁拿专利(不过听说因为这个作法比较繁,美国也有意改为与世界上其它国家一致了)。


