I am enabled to say, however, that the characteristics of the season, when it appears in all its glory, are a mild and genial temperature, gentle southwestern breezes, unusual brightness of the sun, extreme brilliancy of the moon, a clear, blue sky; sometimes half hidden by a veil of gray haze; daybreaks redder than the splotch on the blackbird’s wing, and sunsets laden with golden fleeces, the wooded valleys aglow with the fires of richly tinted leaves, still clinging to the listless limbs, or lying where they have fallen….
据说印第安夏天的叫法最早来自于目前居住在美国北部的阿岗昆地区原住民,他们认为是西南部的神Cautantowwit 把暖风从南方带到了北方而形成的。还有一个说法,原住民通常会利用冬季前回暖的宝贵时光收集最后一轮粮食和补给,为漫长冬季的到来做准备。另一个说法是,来自新英格兰的欧洲定居者,在和原住民的争斗中,到了10月下旬寒冷天气到来时暂时放下武器,停止争斗,准备过冬。但是天气忽然转暖,印第安人会利用好天气再战一场。这些早期定居者称之为印第安夏天。