
新年专辑4:希望大家在新的一年中Dont Worry,Be Happy

(2011-01-03 19:39:47) 下一个


新年专辑2:爬瀑布,脱衣舞,和 One Love

新年专辑3:HOT HOT HOT,Miss Riu选美大赛

今天头一次被推进医院手术室。做了epidural steroid injection (ESI)。又是输氧,又是麻醉,没感到痛,不到半个小时就完了。现在卧床休息。闲着也是闲着。今天贴一个短的。下面是我们去的Mountain River Rafting。










有Fresh Water Shrimp。个头还挺大

船老大说这是Forest Flame。



Bob Marley的Don't Worry, Be Happy

 bob marley - dont worry be happy .mp3

Found at bee mp3 search engine

Here's a little song i wrote,
you might want to sing it note for note,
don't worry, be happy

in every life we have some trouble,
when you worry you make it double
don't worry, be happy

dont worry be happy now
dont worry be happy
dont worry be happy
dont worry be happy
dont worry be happy
aint got no place to lay your head,
somebody came and took your bed,
don't worry, be happy

the landlord say your rent is late,
he may have to litagate,
dont worry (small laugh) be happy,

look at me im happy,
don't worry, be happy

i give you my phone number,
when your worried, call me,
i make you happy

don't worry, be happy

aint got no cash, aint got no style,
aint got no gal to make you smile
but don't worry, be happy

cos when you worry, your face will frown,
and that will bring everybody down,
so don't worry, be happy

don't worry, be happy now...

don't worry, be happy
don't worry, be happy
don't worry, be happy
don't worry, be happy

now there this song i wrote 
i hope you you learned it note for note 
like good little children 

dont worry be happy

listen to what i say 
in your life expect some trouble
when you worry you make it double 
dont worry be happy 
be happy now

dont worry, be happy
dont worry, be happy
dont worry, be happy
dont worry, be happy
dont worry
dont worry be happy
don't worry, don't worry, don't do it,
be happy,put a smile on your face,
don't bring everybody down like this

don't worry, it will soon pass whatever it is,
don't worry, be happy,
i'm not worried

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