

(2011-01-18 08:25:05) 下一个

虽然自己已经入籍多年,但是从来不愿意参与任何投票,选举等等的政治活动,一方面,骨子里是中国人,觉得政治这个东西不是老百姓能管的;另一方面觉得也没有人听我们的意愿,但是今天收到我们维州Realtor Association 组织的投票,就是建议政府取消refinance 的时候收的recordation 塌陷. 我一看,这我得参与一下,这是关系到自己和所有有房子的同学的利益,虽然自己是nobody, 但是星星之火可以燎原,没准这项提议通过了,大家也能省点钱呢。

Jan 18, 2011

Senator Mary Margaret Whipple
General Assembly Building, Room 327
910 Capitol Square
Richmond, VA 23219

Dear Senator Whipple,

As a Realtor® and as an advocate for Virginia property owners, I support eliminating the recordation tax when properties are refinanced.

These days, refinancing a property mortgage is a great way to take advantage of rock-bottom interest rates and save property owners money on monthly payments. If Virginia property owners are facing foreclosure, refinancing their mortgages can help them save their properties by their locking in a lower rate and monthly payments.

But in Virginia property owners may ALSO have to pay a recordation tax on that refinance.

Under current Virginia law, refinancing a property loan can cost property owners hundreds, even thousands, of dollars in recordation taxes. And with so many property owners in danger of losing their properties or going 'upside down' on their mortgages, it's unfair that they are taxed AGAIN when they're trying to refinance to keep their properties or reduce their costs.

Please vote YES to ELIMINATING a recordation tax on property refinances. Please SUPPORT House Bill 1908 and Senate Bill 780.

It's good for property owners, and it's good for the economy.



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