(2010-09-03 04:49:58)
我家住在DC附近. 可以说是一个比较好的小区了. 6月初大白天遭到入室抢劫. 丢了3台手提电脑, 现金若干,还有一点金银细软. 大概价值20K吧. 瞧瞧我, 屋漏又逢连夜雨. 丢就丢了吧. 但是通过这件事我想了很多,
1. 这美国家家都是大玻璃窗, 小偷都不用带工具, 打破窗户就进来了.那像中国, 家家都是1米多厚的防盗门, 防盗窗, 虽然中国小偷还是有办法,不过至少给他的工作增加一下难度. 我想了, 如果我炒房再不赚钱, 我就改卖防盗门了, 说不准我就一不小心就变成美国防盗门大王, 那时候我也有钱了, 也雇两个粗使丫环, 一个菲佣, 一个拉丁美洲的, 也享受享受富人的生活.
2. 美国的经济真的不好了, 我老公家在美国住了200百多年了, 都没有经历过入室抢劫, 我们家之前常常连门都不锁.这么一看,美国的经济是够疲软的, 谁想当小偷啊, 还不是找不到工作, 赚不到钱吗, 这我这么炒房再不赚钱,被不准我也下海了呢. 这谁也不怨,就怨奥巴马没能力啊.
3. 被盗原因, 我和我老妈在家里分析, 这怎么就咱们家被盗了呢,我们家刚搬过来两年呢.邻居都住了50多年了,怎么就没有遇到过呢? 我妈非常气愤地说, 都怪你, 一天竟穿名牌, 三脱四换的. 我说妈, 你可真能怨, 我那名牌哪一个是真的, 我那买过真名牌啊, 哪有哪个闲钱啊. 我妈说了, 那人家怎么知道那是真的还是假的啊. 哎,我一想, 我妈这朴实无华的话还真有道理啊. 这美国假名牌哪里有中国的那么普及, 那么深入人心啊, 这在中国, 就连我们邻居张大妈早晨买油条还手提一LV的小包呢, 我上次回国一看, 吓一跳, 忙过去搭讪, 我说, 大妈, 您这小包也太前卫了, 挺贵吧, 人家张大妈, 说了, 是有的贵, 她要30, 我最后25买的, 人家说是A货. 我当即迎合, 我说大妈, 您这比真的还真呢, 大妈听了心情甚爽 , 高低请我吃了两根老油条. 话说回来了, 这也不能怪美国的小偷, 平时美国人也没有几个用假名牌, 所以也没给人家机会去提高分辨能力啊.
还有什么呢? 再想想再写吧.
所以您就得听我的, 坚决不买真货
you mean your kids often don't lock the door? or leave the door unlocked often? i know what you meant though.
"Why no 'home alarm service' in your family? we have that in everyone's house in our neighborhood, it is linked to local policy or security company. They will call you ASAP if someone enter the house through broken window or door"
but the thing is, police act very slowly, especially in big city, police are very busy. The quickest the police can get to your house is about 10-15 min. (that is the quickest), the slower one can take up to 45 min. to 1 hour. And those burgurlars know that. They act quickly. in 10-15 min. they can scoop up whatever and leave. And you can not get home in 10-15 min. unless you have a neighbors who are home and who can come over right away. But if the burgarlars are there, nobody would feel safe to go in, usually people just call police.
property insurance will help recover the loss. And for prevention, i think the thick steel/iron doors and windows with bars may be the best choice.
The home alarm system with door and window signs can serve the purpose of "warnings". But for despertae burgarlars or someone who has make you a "target", home alarm doesn't help much. but it is better than nothing. At least, police will come AFTER the burgury take place and help secure the scene, to prevent second burgury. very sad that everywhere is getting so unsafe.
What is your address?