01 惠特尼山号称美国最高峰。登山在此开始 The trailhead begins here
02 从山脚到山顶17公里,需化20小时。 It takes 20 hrs to hike the 17 km trail all the way to the peak
03 想登上那14497英尺的峰顶,不仅要挑战你的体力,还要面对太阳,大雨,冰雹等的挑战 Mt. Whitney is the tallest mountain in Californai (14,497 feet high!)
04 崎岖的山路 Rocky trail
05 山上的林木 Forest
06 路边的岩石 Rocks
07 美不胜收的远景 A fantastic view from halfway up the mountain
08 恬静的高山平湖 Beautiful lake at an altitude of 9000 feet above sea level
09 上山容易下山难。难倒了半途而归的我等 It's very difficult to walk back down the mountain

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