


(2010-08-24 02:12:26) 下一个

以上是NBC的链接,以下是我的回应。请大家看看。如有好的见解请分享。也可到MSNBC post, 为中医壮壮势。

Chinese medicine has identified some similar patterns long time ago. According to Chinese medicine,your tongue should be tender and red, with a even thin coat of white. A red and dried up tongue without much coat means there is a damage to the Yin and flare up of fire. If there is enough mouisture on the ground, there is no fire on the grasses. Patients may have history of fever, hospital operation, or long time eating problem or stress.

In Chines medicine, Yin and Yang must be harmonized. Yin is the root of Yang. Whenever there is a damage to the Yin, there is a flare up of Yang. It seems odds that you can feel a strong sensation of heat on part of your body without a change in temperature. On the opposite situation, when you touch somebody, you can feel a cold hands, yet the person has a normal body temperature. This heat or cold sensation could reflect a change of chemical substances in our body, maybe hormones, maybe inflammation factors.

The syndrome (we call patterns in chinese medicine) at the tongue does not necessarily mean the problem is caused by disease of the tongue or mouth. It may well reflect the problems on other parts of your body. I guess the problem is on the liver and kidney. Liver is the factory of the body, and everything we eat has to be processed by liver to covert all nutrients to whatever our body need. Liver is also respensible for detoxination of wastes produced by cells in all tissues and organs. Liver can be easily stressed out with emotional changes and overworking. When liver need help, it will come to kidneys. Kidney is the Water element, and liver is the Wood element. Water is the mother of Wood. If liver flare goes up, the fire will end up at the heart. Heart is the element of Fire. Wood generates Fire. Tongue is the window of heart. If there is a fire at the heart, it will show up on the tongue.

In modern meddicines, we always try to isolate and identify specific element that causes the disease, and intervene with large dose of chemical compound. It may work, but can also back fire. Everything in the universe has it own rule. Water will flow from high to low, and day will be followed by night. Human body is a whole functional system, and all our oagans and tissues have to work togather.

If this syndrome is to be treated in chinese medicine, one would have to use herbal medicines to clear fire in the heart, smooth the liver, and suppliment the kidney.
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