
How is Avatar® different from

(2010-08-09 06:55:26) 下一个

I’m often asked, “How is Avatar® different from…(fill in the blank)?”Usually the person has been exposed to or has taken some other personal growth course, method, coaching, or practice, and they want to compare. I know it’s not going to be easy to convey the uniqueness of Avatar, because the mind likes to sort and categorize by looking for and seeing what it already knows. So, I take great care in how I describe the benefits of Avatar to people who have “been around the self-development block.”

The following is a description of the Avatar Course for the purpose of distinguishing it from other programs and modalities. If you have any questions, just give me a call.

1. Avatar is a path to spiritual awareness and enlightenment. It’s nothing at all like therapy or coaching.

2. It’s for people who are seeking a broader view of themselves and the universe – not simply looking to solve a problem.

3. It’s for people who are asking deeper questions about how their life works. It teaches them how to have the things their heart desires – not how to fix something or how to get better.

4. It’s for leaders who want to make a difference on the planet and are looking for the safest, most effective way of making changes that really matter.

5. It’s not logical – it’s holographic in nature. It produces quantum leaps in results. For that reason, it’s for people who are open to a less linear approach to personal mastery.

6. It’s for people who value being and working independently – not relying on the help or advice of a coach, teacher, counselor, therapist, guru or mentor.

7. The course can be completely private – meaning it can be done successfully even if there are issues one would prefer no one else know about – including the Master who is guiding the course.

8. It’s aim is to create an enlightened civilization. The course produces beings who know that they are fully responsible for their lives and operate as such. The skill of an Avatar is the ability to return to the level of consciousness where one is the knowing creative source of one’s beliefs – and from that level – to create and discreate beliefs in order to live life deliberately. When consciousness is restructured, a new reality is experienced. Nothing else is needed to make a change – no actions, no new behaviors, no healing, no communication, no promises or commitments, no books or tapes or anything outside of one’s own self – nothing but the managing of one’s beliefs.

9. People who complete the Avatar Course (100,000+ so far, worldwide) use the tools in their own lives to live happier, more satisfying, more successful, and more fulfilling lives. In addition to spiritual advancement a person can create new realities in the areas of health, relationships, finances, career, and anything else a person would like to experience. And with the Avatar technique of “discreating”, a person can change unwanted body sensations, interpersonal conflicts, dependencies, limitations, persistent conditions, compulsions, and (without words or confrontations) the beliefs of others.

10. People who want to contribute to the creation of an enlightened planetary civilization in alignment with an already existing organization and mission can become Avatar Masters as a profession. For that reason, an ideal Avatar student is someone whose purpose in life is service to others. People who have been called into professions such as therapy, teaching, counseling, coaching, and healing are traditionally fine candidates for Avatar. They come to the course not only to advance themselves spiritually, but to learn the skills necessary to assist others on the planet who are seeking personal mastery and enlightenment.

~ By Lori Brenckman, Avatar Master

Planet Avatar

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