电子图书下载【流行钢琴教学 How To Play Popular Piano in 10 Easy Lessons】PDF
书 名:How To Play Popular Piano in 10 Easy Lessons/流行钢琴教学
作 者:Norman Monath
地 区:美国
出 版:Fireside
书 号:ISBN-10: 0671530674/ISBN-13: 978-0671530679
语 言:英文
【内容简介】 For the beginner, this book is excellent. I have looked at many piano books when I first began playing, and most of them were usually too complicated, or too simplistic. This book, however, was one that fell right in the middle and helped me understand all kinds of important ideas in music, such as harmony and melody, building chords and scales (and understanding HOW), reading music, how to understand progressions, and how to play by ear and improvise.
It is certainly geared toward getting you up and playing in the simplest, fastest way, at a moderate pace, with a good depth of information that does not get overwhelming. Because of this, this book is probably suited much more for the person who has no music experience and wants to learn the basics of how to play out of fake books and begin improvising.
It is probably not good for those who want in-depth and more advanced theory of music, but it is an excellent book to use as a stepping stone toward more adva! nced piano study. This is a must have book for any beginnger.
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