
Embracing the Wind - Kevin Kern

(2022-08-02 15:29:01) 下一个
Embracing the Wind - Kevin Kern


Kevin Kern’s fifth album for Real Music is another sweet and soothing musical journey to the gentle side of life. Kevin is a master of melody with a heartfelt message, and this is the perfect music to comfort and uplift mind and soul. Kevin composes many of his pieces for relaxation, so there are no sharp edges or jarring chords. Kern’s music is as smooth as silk and as tranquil as a spring breeze.

“The CD is a collection of inspired emotional themes, deftly articulated through soft piano, warm rhythms, and acoustic guitar. The opening track, “Blossom on the Wind,” begins with the gentle sound of a raindrop, a single note of stillness that sets the mood of this effort. Embracing the Wind, was a return to the original source of the inspiration, the piano itself, as evidence by the uplifting “Bathed in Dawn’s Light,” to the passionate “From This Day Forward,” a piece that Kern composed for his fiancé in honor of their wedding day. While Embracing the Wind is a reflection of Kern’s self-described “musical journey” through a myriad of influences, it maintains a classic simplicity of sound and arrangement built around a well-balanced framework of song structures. It’s plain to see that he’s grown considerably out of the first wobbling steps of New Age music into his own right as a composer and a pianist. Embracing the Wind is Kern’s own acknowledgement of his coming-of-age as an artist, and like most things that get better with time, it is to be savored slowly, appreciated newly again with each listen.” - Amazon.com


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