
1988 年5月31日Reagan演说: 历史灰尽就不要挣扎了啦

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Ronald Reagan曾说,“我相信共产主义是人类历史上一个悲惨而诡异的篇章——即使这一章已经临近终结。”(I believe that communism is another sad, bizarre chapter in human history whose last -- last pages even now are being written.);这次演讲,Ronald Reagan 再次使用了“The Evil Empire”这个“宣判共产苏联道德死刑”的名称,这是多么富有强烈正义意识的语言?
Ronald Reagan曾说“If we ever forget that we\'re one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”(一旦忘记了我们国家之上还有God,那么我们国家就会真的往下走),这样充分敬畏God的理念与见解,多么富有智慧与令人尊敬?

Mr. Peter Navarro是一位十分具有远见与智慧的美国作家,他的令人激赏的“The coming china wars”一书,已经充分地说明了China’s communist就是“邪恶帝国”;它正在奴役与迫害所有的Chinese,它也正在危害全人类的安全与环境,这还包括它暗中贩卖“活体杀人取出的器官”与出售核武器给许多专制与邪恶的国家;这个时候,人类多么需要像Ronald Reagan一样富道德勇气的声音,来彻底否定China’s communist政权的合法性?来设法彻底铲除China’s communist的邪恶政权?

Ronald Reagan在美国全国福音派联会年会上的演讲时曾说,“让我们为所有生活于极权主义黑幕中的人祈祷。祝愿他们发现认识God的喜乐。但是在他们认识 God之前,我们必须警觉,只要他们继续鼓吹国家的至高无上、宣扬国家对于个体的万能、并预言它将最终统治全人类,他们就是现代世界的邪恶中心。” (Yes, let us pray for the salvation of all of those who live in that totalitarian darkness. Pray they will discover the joy of knowing God. But until they do, let us be aware that while they preach the supremacy of the State, declare its omnipotence over individual man, and predict its eventual domination of all peoples on the earth, they are the focus of evil in the modern world.),这是多么清晰与明确的道德见解?

Ronald Reagan创造了美国经济的奇迹,他的“自由放任的资本主义体制”,竖立了Adam Smith与Milton Friedman经济学说的典范,人类多么需要一个像Ronald Reagan一样的人,来继续推动这样伟大自由理念与易于致富的经济政策?

Ronald Reagan曾说“Government is like a baby: An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.”(政府就像婴孩:食道的一头胃口很好,另一头却一点责任都不负);他说“The most terrifying words in the English language are: I\'m from the government and I\'m here to help.”(英文里最恐怖的句子是:我是政府派来的,我到这里来帮助你);他说“It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first.”(人们说政治是第二古老的职业,我发现它和第一古老的职业(卖淫)有惊人的相似之处);他说“Government\'s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.”(政府对经济的做法可以总结为几句话:如果经济增长,征税。如果经济继续增长,制定规章限制它。如果经济停止增长,补贴它)。Ronald Reagan的小政府、限制政府权力、不相信政府能力、政府减少干预事务、低税收、雇用“有道德、有信仰与能力的公仆”与完全信任这些“有道德、有信仰与能力的公仆”等政策,是多么大胆、聪明、正确与令人尊敬的做法?

Ronald Reagan在美国全国福音派联会年会上的演讲时曾说,“美国正经历一次精神上的觉醒,那为美国的优秀和伟大奠基的传统价值观正在复兴。一个设在华盛顿的研究理事会最近做了一个调查,得出结果是美国人要比其他国家的人民虔诚得多。95%的被调查者表示信仰God,绝大多数人相信十诫在他们的生活中具有现实意义。另一个研究发现,压倒性多数的美国人不赞成通奸、少年性交、色情描写、堕胎和毒品。这些如出一辙的研究表明人们深切尊重家庭纽带与宗教信仰的重要性。”(There\'s a great spiritual awakening in America, a renewal of the traditional values that have been the bedrock of America\'s goodness and greatness.One recent survey by a Washington-based research council concluded that Americans were far more religious than the people of other nations; 95 percent of those surveyed expressed a belief in God and a huge majority believed the Ten Commandments had real meaning in their lives. And another study has found that an overwhelming majority of Americans disapprove of adultery, teenage sex, pornography, abortion, and hard drugs. And this same study showed a deep reverence for the importance of family ties and religious belief.),这是多么令人尊敬的价值观与意见?

Ronald Reagan提出了“Strategic Defense Initiative”(Star Wars Program),他为保障自由国家的安全,建立了强大的美国军事国防;这不仅令美国人感觉到值得信赖的安全,而且也让全世界的自由国家感觉到值得信赖的安全,Ronald Reagan所做出的贡献是巨大而醒目的,人类多么需要一个像Ronald Reagan一样的人,来继续推动这样理想的防卫政策?

Ronald Reagan在美国全国福音派联会年会上的演讲时曾说,“虽然美国的军事实力是重要的,但我在这里要补充一点:我始终确信,当前为世界而进行的抗争,从来不取决于炸弹或火箭,也不取决于军队或军事力量。我们今天所面临的真正危机是精神上的;从根本上说,它是对道德意志与信仰的检证。”(While America\'s military strength is important, let me add here that I\'ve always maintained that the struggle now going on for the world will never be decided by bombs or rockets, by armies or military might. The real crisis we face today is a spiritual one; at root, it is a test of moral will and faith.),这是多么有深度与高明的见解?

每一个人都应该为推动全人类接受Jesus’s Gospel (Jesuslism)的目标,努力奉献其全部的力量;这是一个多么伟大而必要的使命,它的重要性绝对不亚于人类必须联合起来“让自由与民主的价值走向全世界”,也绝对不亚于人类必须联合起来彻底地铲除全世界的专制、共产与恐怖主义等邪恶政权。

Ronald Reagan的灿烂、开朗、乐观与自信的笑容、迷人与亲切的演讲语调、幽默而富道德智慧的言谈、永远给人信心与带希望的态度、具有强烈道德勇气与使命感的个人特质,实在令人难忘,人类多么需要一个像Ronald Reagan一样的人,来继续为捍卫人类的民主、自由、人权、正义与幸福而战?

不论是人类世界的那一个角落或国家,我多么希望都能真正出现一位“full-scale Ronald Reagan conservative.”,包括他的character、belief、soul、speech、thoughts、feelings、will、 spirit、political policy、mission等,都是完全与Ronald Reagan一样的伟人!
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