
坚强的京叭, 就是比你强~_~!

vocabulary 5000

(2006-07-05 19:03:10) 下一个

revisewhen you know the facts, you may revise your opinion.
superstitionshe has a superstition that breaking a mirror brings bad luck.
tractduring last summer's flood, a large tract of farmland was under water.
wailthe little baby wailed until his mother entered the room.
witherthe grass withered and died for lack of water under the hot sun.
clashshe clashed the two pans together to wake us up.
there are many clashes of opinion in that family, for no two of them think alike.
compromisethe disagreement about the boundary between the two contries was settled by comprimise.
erathe years from 1817 to 1824 in the United States history are often called the Era of Good Feeling.
gulpafter running 1000 meters, the runner became thirsty and gulped a bowl of water.
proprietorI wasn't satisfied with our treatment at that hotel; I shall write and complain to the proprietor.
terminatethe policeman terminated the quarrel by sending the boys home.
typifyabraham lincoln typifies the politician who rises from humble origins to a position of power and influence.
adaptwhen you go to a foreign country, you must adapt yourself to new manners and customs.
eloquencethe eloquence of the president moved all hearts who listened to him.
exclusivehe donated a lot of money to join the exclusive club.
I have the exclusive rights for the sale of ford cars in this town.
initiativeshe took the initiative in getting acquainted with her neighbors.
reluctanthe was very reluctant to give his money away.
riskybecause of advances in medical technology, heart surgery is not as risky as it formerly was.
applausewhen the singer ended his song on the stage, there was a great applause in the concert hall.
brutalthe murder was so brutal that the jury was not allowed to see the police photographs.
defiancehe shouted in defiance of the policeman's warning to be quiet.
demonstratehow can you demostrate that the world os round?
identicalit is the identical coat that I lost a month ago.
perpetualbathing in the fountain of youth is supposed to assure perpetual beauty.
twilightthe old man likes to take a walk in the twilight.
unfairthe spectators were disappointed at the unfair decision by the umpire.
vacantshe had a few vacant rooms to rent for the students.
veracitysince you have lied to us in the past, you should not wonder that we doubt your veracity.
amiablecharlotte is an amiable child, everybody loves her.
capturethe traitor was captured trying to escape from the country.
her beauty captured him and he swore to stay with her forever.
congregatethe crowds congregated in the square in front of the palace when the heard the news of the king's death.
cowardlywhen I was a boy, I was too cowardly to go out at night.
feeblethe old lady's feeble hands could hardly hold a small cup.

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