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Running and Analyzing Tests

Run Preferences
QuickTest always runs a test from the first step, unless you specify otherwise. You can:
➤ Run the entire test from the beginning.
➤ Run only a part of a test using the Run from Step, Run from Action, Run to Step or Run to Action options.
Debug a section of a test using the Debug from step or Debug from Action option.
Run an iteration of a single action using the Run Current Action option.
Run only one iteration of your entire test by selecting Run one iteration only from the Run pane in the Test Settings dialog box.
Designate certain steps as optional, to enable QuickTest to bypass them instead of aborting the run if these steps do not succeed.
Maintaining and Updating Tests:Update your test to change the test object descriptions, expected checkpoint values, and/or the Active Screen images and values.
Set up a batch of tests and run them sequentially, using the QuickTest Test Batch Runner.

Optional Steps
An optional step is a step that is not necessarily required to successfully complete a run session.
During a run session, if the object of an optional step does not exist in the application, QuickTest bypasses this step and continues to run the test. When the run session ends, a message is displayed for the step indicating that the step was not performed, but the step does not cause the run to fail.
However, if, during a run session, QuickTest cannot find the object from the optional step in the object repository, an error message is displayed listing the required object, and the run fails.
You can also manually designate steps as optional. For example, you can add conditional statements or use recovery scenarios to automatically click a button, press ENTER, or enter login information in a step.
In the Expert View, add OptionalStep to the beginning of the VBScript statement.
Default Optional Steps
By default, QuickTest considers steps that open the following dialog boxes
or message boxes as optional steps:

Dialog Box / Message Box Title Bar
File Download
Internet Explorer
Enter Network Password
Security Alert
Security Information
Security Warning
Username and Password Required

How to Run Your Test
This task describes the various ways in which you can run a test.
Run an entire test
Run to a selected step or action
Run a single action or run a test or action from a selected step
Interrupt a run session
Results: Saves the run results in a temporary folder. This option overwrites any results previously saved in this folder.

Test Batch Runner
This tool enables you to run several tests in succession. The results for each test are stored in their default location.
Using Test Batch Runner, you can set up a list of tests and save the list as an .mtb file

Run Results Viewer
You can also install the Run Results Viewer as a standalone application. This enables you to share the results of your tests with business analysts and developers who do not have QuickTest or Service Test installed on their computers.

Viewing Partial Results
you may want to view the results for a specific iteration before the run continues to the next iteration. One way to do this is to insert a step that opens a message box, as this stops the run until you close the message box.
Example: MsgBox "Open the following file:" & Reporter.ReportPath

How to Jump to a Step in QuickTest
You can view the step in QuickTest that corresponds to a node in the Run Results tree for any node that has a corresponding step in a QuickTest test.
Click the Jump to Step in QuickTest button from the Run Results toolbar or right-click and select Jump to Step in QuickTest from the

How to Automatically Submit Defects to a Quality Center Project
Select Tools > Options or click the Options button. The Options dialog box opens. Click the Run node.Select the Submit a defect to Quality Center for each failed step check box.
How to Export Run Results: Select File > Export To File
How to Play a Screen Recorder Movie in the HP Micro Player:Double-click any .fbr file in Windows Explorer, select Start > Programs > HP QuickTest Professional > Tools > HP Micro Player and then select File > Open in the Micro Player to select any .fbr file.

How to Delete Run Results: Delete run results using the Windows command line Open a Windows command prompt and enter binTestResultsDeletionTool.exe.

Add 1107 pic
Log Tracking Pane (Run Results Viewer)
Screen Recorder Pane (Run Results Viewer): You can customize the whether QuickTest captures movies and the criteria used to save them, using the Save movies to results option in the Run > Screen Capture pane of the Options dialog box.

System Monitor Pane (Run Results Viewer)

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