

(2010-06-03 14:49:21) 下一个

'   Script Name :      Execute Script
'    Created By :   Miken Gandhi
'   Created Date: 26-Feb-2007
'    Description:  This script is intended to navigate the Main script  of the selected application
'    Instructions:
'      1. Select "Run"  from the menus above.
'      2. If a warning appears that the run name already exists, click "OK"
'      3. You're off and running!

 Dim kApp,  fpath
 tDebugMode = "N"
  ' Extract Script path
 fpath = Environment("TestDir")

  'Extract Datatable Path
 fpatharray = split(fpath, "")
 tcount = ubound(fpatharray)
 fpathDataTable = fpatharray(0)
 For i = 1 to tcount - 2
    fpathDataTable = fpathDataTable &"" & fpatharray(i)
 Environment.Value("fpathDataTable") = fpathDataTable & "Datatables"

 fpathMacro = fpatharray(0)
 For i = 1 to tcount -1
  fpathMacro = fpathMacro &"" & fpatharray(i)
 Environment.Value("fpathMacro") = fpathMacro &"Function Library"

  ' User Input for Application Under Test.
 kAppList =Array("Consumer Portal - Data Validation","Consumer Portal - Look & Feel")
 kApp        =  f_Create_List_Dialog("Application Under Test", "Which application are you testing?", kAppList)
 Environment.Value("kApp") = kApp

 Select Case kApp
    Case "Consumer Portal - Data Validation"
    RunAction "CP_Main", oneIteration
   Case "Consumer Portal - Look & Feel"
   RunAction "LFCP_Main", oneIteration
   End Select

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