
How to answer the question: What is your weak point?

(2014-04-23 07:39:24) 下一个
Usually during the on-site interview, you will be asked:
-- Can you tell me/us what is your weak point?

Bad answer:
-- My English is not good enough.
-- I do not have a degree in USA.
-- I have never worked in USA.

During interview process, you are a sales person, the product you are trying to sell is yourself. All the answers you are going to give should focus on this goal. Based on thie key point, turn the chance of answering this question to a selling opportunity againi for yourself.

Better answers:
-- Weak point? Let me think, Yah, sometime my collegues saying that I am too picky, I always trying to make the job done in 100% perfect.

-- Weak point? I guess I focused too much on work, I couldn't stop think of my project even after I arrive in home.

-- Weak point? You know I come from China, in Chinese culture I was educated working hard and speaking less, so sometime my manager sayinig that I am too quiet.

-- Weak point? I do not like change job very often, I staied in the same company for many years...

Summary: Sales, sales, sele yourself. Now you should feel comfortable to use your weak point to sell yourself. Actually you should use all the chance to sell your self. thhis is the only focus for the interview process.... 
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