
逛画廊,看世界, 记下自己的心得

[Gresham College ]艺术家和他们的视觉(远见) Vision and the Artist

(2013-06-26 06:03:39) 下一个

Vision and the Artist - Professor William Ayliffe

Visual disorders affect the way we see, and therefore would be expected to influence how we depict the world in drawings and paintings. This fascinating subject is explored using images created by artists with known defects. We examine how possible defects in the vision of artists for whom we have little information about their eyesight, might explain how they produced their individual style. How the physiology of vision is deliberately used by artists to create stunning visual effects, and how ancient artists achieved similar results by deduction will be explored.

The transcript and downloadable versions of the lecture are available from the Gresham College website:

Gresham College has been giving free public lectures since 1597. This tradition continues today with all of our five or so public lectures a week being made available for free download from our website. There are currently nearly 1,500 lectures free to access or download from the website.

Gresham College 是英国文艺复兴时期一位富商Thomas Gresham 创办的,Thomas Gresham 也是皇家股票交易所的创始人, Thomas Gresham 临终前立遗属交代妻子,资助慈善,妻子过世后, 所有房子和租金,包括交易所的租金,全归伦敦金融城和培养过他的公司,条件是伦敦金融城要答应建一所免费公共学院,每周有7位教授来免费讲课讲授:  天文 地理 物理 法律 音乐 宗教 修辞学astronomy, geometry, physic, law, divinity, rhetoric and music

从1597年开始, 四百多年来,Gresham College一直为伦敦市民提供免费高水平课程

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