
逛画廊,看世界, 记下自己的心得


(2011-01-03 08:01:09) 下一个
2011 准备去看的:
Diaghilev and the Golden Age of the ballets ( V&A, 25, Sep-9Jan ) - done 07/01/2010,看了,  感慨:那是一个艺术人才辈出的时代
Francesca Woodman  (Victoria Miro, 17, Nv-22, Jan, 2011)
Cezanne's card players ( Courtauld 21, Oct-16, jan)
Thomas Lawrence, regency power &Brilliance ( National Gallery 21, Oct-23 January)

Artist Laboratory (RA)
Fashion identity (RA)

The Egyptian way of death ( British Museum 4,Nov-6March)
The Poetry of Drawing: Pre-Raphaelite Designs, Studies and Watercolours: (29, Jan- 15, May) Birmingham Museum & Art gallery

Jan Gossaert'sRenaissance (national Gallery 23 Feb - 30 May)
Watteau's Drawings: Virtuosity and delight ( Wallace Collection: 12, March -5, Jun)
Images and the State: Graphics In China in the 1960s and '70s ( Ashmolean museum Oxford, 8th March 2011 to 3rd July 2011)

The Cult of beauty: The Aeshetic Movement 1860-1900 (VA, 2, Avril-17, July)
Afganistan: Crossroads of the ancient world (British Museum,  3, march - 3July)

Watercolor (Tate 16,Feb-21 Aug)
Joan Miro: The ladder of escape (tate 14, Avril -11, Sep)
Cytwombly and Nicolas Poussin: Arcadian paiters ( Dulwich Picture gallery 29, June-25, Sep)

Degas Dancer: Eye and Camera (RA, 17,sep-11Dec)
Toulouse- Lautrec and Jane Avril ( Courtaul Institut 16, Jun - 18 Sep)
Leonardo Da Vinci: Painter at the Court of Milan ( National Gallery,9,Nov-5Feb)

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