类 型:剧情
色 彩:彩色
视频尺寸:696 x 296
片 长:94 Min
字 幕:中文
名导演李翰祥所编导的《丑闻》, 有冷面笑匠许冠文, 金马奖最隹男配角井淼及恬妮, 谷峰等巨星坐镇, 阵容一时无俩. 故事背景在河北省某贪污成风的小县内, 流浪汉甄明(许冠文)与贾亮(王琛)因掌握一众县官的贪污或丑闻证据, 得以顺水推舟假扮县长, 把各官员玩弄於股掌之中, 但最终笔锋一转, 结局出人意表. 全片带出人生如戏的黑色幽默外, 也狠狠地鞭挞为官者残民以自肥的无耻行为, 可见编导者的匠心独运
Director Li Han-hsiang teams up again with the irreverent comedic talents of Michael Hui Kwun-man in this tongue-in-cheek drama. Corruption is strife in Wan Ping County in Hopei Province. Two good-for-nothing loafers Chen Ming (Michael Hui Kwun-man) and Chia Liang (Wang Sheng) arrive and turn the officials on their head. After a bout of blackmailing, they end up in positions of power themselves. It's all done with the best intentions, or so they believe.
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