配樂之外,多位當今一線音樂家的參與更為專輯增色,其中有日本著名古典吉他演奏家-村治佳織為《小美人魚》插曲演出;還有2018年梅紐因國際青少年小提琴大賽少年組第一名、墨爾本華裔音樂神童-李映衡(Christian Li)演奏的《冰雪奇緣》;義大利男高音波伽利之子--馬提歐.波伽利(Matteo Bocelli)深情演繹的《獅子王》插曲,還有新生代歌手團The Opera Men獻上的《玩具總動員2》- When She Loved Me;終章則由四座葛萊美獎得主、女高音完美典範--弗萊明(Renée Fleming)壓軸演唱《木偶奇遇記》中的When You Wish Upon a Star。本集選在孕育出20世紀眾多最佳電影原聲帶的發源地--倫敦艾比路錄音室(Abbey Road Studios)錄製,無論音樂內容或演出者與樂團,都堪稱是一極致而豐富之音樂宴饗。
01. Overture’ from Mary Poppins
02.‘How Far I’ll Go’ from Moana
03.‘A Whole New World’ from Aladdin
04.‘Can You Feel the Love Tonight’ ft Matteo Bocelli from The Lion King
05.‘Almost There’ from The Princess and the Frog
06.‘Go the Distance’ from Hercules
07.‘Colours of the Wind’ from Pocahontas
08.‘When She Loved Me’ ft The Opera Men from Toy Story 2
《她還愛我時》,The Opera Men演唱,選自《玩具總動員2》
09.‘The Bare Necessities’ from The Jungle Book
10.‘Part of Your World’ ft Kaori Muraji from The Little Mermaid
11.‘Beauty and the Beast’ from Beauty and the Beast
12.‘I See the Light’ from Tangled
13.‘Let It Go’ ft Christian Li from Frozen
14.‘Reflection’ from Mulan
15.‘When You Wish Upon a Star’ ft Renée Fleming from Pinocchio
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