
戴夫·考茲 ~ 金牌薩克斯演奏專輯《舞》

(2018-05-06 16:46:15) 下一个

【專輯藝人】: Dave Kotz
【專輯名稱】: The Dance
【發行日期】: 1999年
【專輯類型】: Saxophone, Easy listening, Smooth Jazz


2000年經過兩年的準備,戴夫·考茲終於發行他個人的第五張專輯─《The Dance(舞)》。在這張最新專輯中,Dave Koz將Jeff Lorber、Carl Sturken、Evan Rogers及弟弟Jeff等,十年前合作/製作過第一張個人專輯的工作夥伴再度聚集起來,集體為《The Dance》創作。


這次由巨星Luther Vandross負責擔綱歌曲人聲部分的,是首帶有搖擺復古風味的曲目《Can't Let You Go》(The Sha La Song)。另外,現代R&B/Hip-Hop音樂界的巨星Montell Jordan參與製作並重唱1984年由喬治·邁克爾在威猛樂隊(Wham)時代所發行的經典歌曲《Careless Whisper》(無心快語)。而數度獲得格萊美獎的福音樂隊Take 6中的Mervyn Warren與David Thomas,則重唱了靈魂樂的經典樂曲《I'll Be There》,讓整張專輯的音樂性更加地豐富。

此外,帶有拉丁風情的輕鬆搖擺小品《You Are Me, I Am You》,則是表現一段由Smooth Jazz樂界的吉它名家Marc Antoine所擔綱的佛拉明哥吉它獨奏。在另一首展現不同吉它風味的《The Bright Side》中,由著名的Jonathan Butler一顯身手,為此曲增添許多趣味和戲謔的風味。

專輯的其他歌曲同樣也令人充滿驚喜和期待。由Dave與Jeff Lorber共同譜寫的首支單曲《I'm Waiting For You》、復古的靈魂樂曲《Together Again》、為紀念其已故父親Norman而創作的《Right By Your Side》、揉合50種薩克斯演奏及由福音樂界的超級巨星BeBe Winans獻聲的歌曲《Cuban Highway》與Glen Ballard所擔任製作的專輯同名曲《The Dance》(曾是美國的鄉村歌王葛斯·布魯克斯的招牌暢銷曲)等。自1990年開始,戴夫·考茲以個人首張同名專輯《Dave Koz》創下大好的銷售紀錄之後,他已經成為Smooth Jazz樂界的一種音樂現象。而戴夫·考茲對這張新專輯的看法是回歸到他為第一張專輯創作時的那一種節奏與動力,並認為這是一種很自然的演變過程。因為在創作這張專輯時,戴夫·考茲正處在生命的回顧時刻,回顧他的過去與他早先所獲得的一些成功經驗。據他表示,“堅決地相信每一次的音樂創作都應該是我精彩而豐富的音樂生命記錄。”

The Dance is the fifth studio album by saxophone player Dave Koz. It was released by Capitol Records on September 28, 1999. The album peaked at number 2 on Billboard Top Contemporary Jazz Albums chart.The album has been sold more than 500,000 copies and was certified Gold by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). Since his self-titled 1990 smash debut, Dave Koz has been one of smooth jazz's greatest musicians. The saxman scored big on the radio and in retail even when he turned away from his established R&B/pop sound on 1996's Off the Beaten Path, which was done with more acoustic instruments. The Dance brings him back to the hard-hitting R&B funk sounds of that first album and its follow-up, 1993's Lucky Man. Aside from reuniting him with some of the producers who worked on his debut -- Jeff Lorber, Carl Sturken, Evan Rogers, and his brother Jeff Koz -- The Dance is a true testament to the art of collaboration. He surrounds himself with some of pop, R&B, gospel, and his own genre's greatest performers, but never lets you forget that this is a sax player's album. The swinging retro-funk/hip-hop of "Can't Let You Go (The Sha La Song)" features Luther Vandross. Modern R&B star Montell Jordan co-produces and takes lead vocal on a cover of Wham!'s "Careless Whisper" that is perhaps a bit too faithful to the original. Several members of Take 6 help Koz achieve a much more original effect on "I'll Be There." He also works with personal hero Burt Bacharach, who co-wrote and plays piano on the lovely soprano ballad "Don't Give Up." Koz ventures into Latin territory on "You Are Me, I Am You," which features a sizzling flamenco guitar solo by Marc Antoine, while another top smooth jazz guitarist, Jonathan Butler, scats and plays a vibrant acoustic harmony on "The Bright Side." Lest Koz get lost among all the partying with his pals, he does everything himself on the album's most exciting but possibly least commercial track, "Cuban Hideaway." This cut is a Tito Puente-type Latin jazz big band explosion on which he plays all the horn instruments, alto, tenor, soprano, and baritone.


1. "Together Again"
2. "I'm Waiting for You"
3. "Can't Let You Go (The Sha la Song)" (featuring Luther Vandross)
4. "Careless Whisper" (featuring Montell Jordan)
5. "Love Is on the Way" (featuring Chris Botti)
6. "Know You by Heart"
7. "Surrender"
8. "You Are Me, I Am You" (featuring Marc Antoine)
9. "The Dance" (featuring BeBe Winans)
10. "Cuban Hideaway"
11. "The Bright Side" (featuring Jonathan Butler)
12. "Don't Give Up" (featuring Burt Bacharach)
13. "Right by Your Side"
14. "I'll Be There"

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