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[專輯名稱]:★Aerial Boundaries★
[專輯藝人]:Michael Hedges
[發行時間]:July 2, 1984
[音樂標籤]:Windham Hill Records
[音樂風格]:New Age, Folks, Contemporary Instrumental,New Acoustic,Solo Instrumental


邁克爾·亨吉斯(Michael Hedges)美國音樂家。 1953年生於俄克拉荷馬州。會演奏吉他和長笛以及其他許多樂器, 同時也是歌手。曾進入菲利普大學學習古典吉他。並取得作曲學位。相對於傳統音樂,Michael對實驗性音樂更感興趣,1980年進入史丹佛大學電子音樂系。

Michael Hedges形容自己的音樂是“猛烈的、沉重的、鞭打的、新邊界、尖銳的詩篇、野蠻的神話、格鬥者”, 1981年與威爾.阿克曼結識,由Windham Hill唱片公司在《Breakfast In The Field》中首次演出。才華橫溢的表演使得他受到大眾的矚目。被譽為原聲吉他之神!並馬上建立了他的招牌“反叛者”與全新原聲吉他先驅者形象。

在接下來的兩年中,Michael創造了一個新的里程碑, 並且發行了前所未有風格的第二個專輯《Aerial Boundaries》,該專輯並於1984年獲得格萊美獎提名。在這專輯中,他的鋼弦原聲吉他音色,動靜音頻起伏,心驚膽跳的技巧,作曲的天馬行空,情感表達之強烈幅度真實寫下原聲吉他音樂革命,Michael的音色和技巧比之前的《Breakfast In The Field》專輯更加完全成熟了。他其後從事歌曲演唱,也舉辦過多次音樂會,實屬多樣化藝人,可惜於一九九七年末因交通意外過世,終年四十三歲。

It's been called the album that opened "a new chapter on steel-string guitar playing," and it's unquestionably one of the most groundbreaking albums in acoustic guitar history. Though Hedges had released the excellent Breakfast in the Field in 1981, the Grammy-nominated Boundaries came as an unexpected revelation in 1985. On stirring, complex compositions like "Rickover's Dream", "Spare Change", and a deft instrumental reading of Neil Young's "After the Gold Rush", Hedges unleashed a stunning new vocabulary of finger-tapping, hammering, and harmonic slaps--processed with electronics and reverb--that still resounds today in the playing of artists from Ani Di Franco to Preston Reed. Steeped both in classical harmony and the fingerstyle guitar tradition of Leo Kottke, Martin Carthy, and John Renbourn, Boundaries remains the late composer-guitarist's seminal work, and its innovations in technique, tuning, tone, and intensity remain key texts in modern acoustic circles.Michael Hedges is unrivaled in his creativity. Nearly every song on this album achieves something never before accomplished on 6 strings. It is the precursor for percussive fingerstyle. His ability to not just play music, but to sculpt music from the notes he plays using string muting on songs like aerial boundaries or spare change help give the clarity of the notes to allow him to sound like two or three musicians. His savant like attention to detail and orchestral approach to mere 6 strings in unparalleled and no other guitar album in history has debuted so many ground breaking methods and techniques. These techniques are not used for flash alone, they are very expressive and evocative.


01. Aerial Boundaries
02. Bensusan
03. Rickover's Dream!
04. Ragamuffin
05. After The Gold Rush
06. Hot Type
07. Spare Change
08. Ménage ? Trois
09. The Magic Farmer

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