
★冬至的一天 - Windham Hill音樂家★

(2017-03-15 17:49:00) 下一个

[專輯名稱]:[冬至]A Winter's Solstice Compilation
[專輯歌手]:Various Artists
[音樂標籤]:Windham Hill Records
[音樂風格]:New Age, Contemporary Jazz, Easy Listening


The first holiday-themed album from the Windham Hill label, the 45th cataloged, featuring both original tracks as well as tracks lifted from albums previously recorded (Shadowfax's Petite Aubade originally featured on Watercourse Way and Marshall/Anger's Bach Bouree originally featured on Chiaroscuro). 7 of the 10 tracks listed are originals written by the artists, yet fit well with the darkening of the skies and the cooling of the weather. Interestingly, the only "Christmas Classic" on the album is Liz Story's Greensleeves. An original approach for an instrumental album competing on the shelves alongside albums such as Mannheim Steamroller's Christmas (among others).

The record proved very popular, going Gold after two years on the shelves in December 1987.


1. Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring - David Qualey
2. Engravings II - Ira Stein & Russel Walder
3. New England Morning - William Ackerman
4. High Plains (Christmas On The High-Line) - Philip Aaberg
5. Nollaig - Bill Oskay* & Mícheál ? Domhnaill
6. Greensleeves - Liz Story
7. Bach Bourée (From The French Suite) - Darol Anger & Mike Marshall
8. Northumbrian Lullabye - Malcolm Dalglish
9. Petite Aubade - Shadowfax
10. A Tale Of Two Cities - Mark Isham

----- All music copyrighted and of sampler quality please purchase original materials -----
----- 所有的音樂只是試聽音質請尊重版權購買原裝版本 -----

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